he wont induce really untill 41 weeks but bm is tryin to start school June 15, five days after his due date.. so her new plan is to have him by May 26 so she can rest up before school and not have to worry about possibly being late and missing school. today he told her he will strip her membranes at 37 weeks and she can use castor oil but that wont make any promises of a baby. he says that its common for labor to begin within 48 hours of stripping membranes and maybe with the castor oil help it will work......
so I am not sure what is going to happen but that means he could be here in as little as 5 weeks! i dont wanna say i wouldnt be happy to meet him asap but I also want him to be healthy and ok
Re: BM wants doc to start "encouraging" baby @ 37 weeks