I have to share this because I am cracking up!
I just stepped on the scale to see if I had gained any weight (so far I'm fluctuating +/- 2 lbs). I get on the scale and it reads 113.6 lbs. Yeah, my scale is DEFINITELY broken! I normally weigh 128 lbs... this totally made my day and I couldn't stop laughing.
So if anybody would like to step on the Tori scale, let me know. I'm offering free weighings all day.
Re: I've lost 20 lbs!?!?!
Can I use the Tori scale when I go to see my OB? I put on 15 pounds so far and he told me "it would be ok with him if I didn't put on any more weight". I thought 15 in 23 weeks was great- compared to last time when I put on 65 pounds while pregnant!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again