I know it sounds whack, but root beer helps me. Actually any dark colored soda, but I prefer root beer. It helps me where everything else has failed me. Plus the fact its low in sodium and caffeine free makes it better. I can drink it late at night and not worry about being awake!
Green apples help me but I was very dependent on them. I take a zantac a day. With dd I ended up taking two a day along with a few tums by the end of my pg. It was horrible!!
The only thing that's helped me is eating very small meals very slowly - it's not ideal though, because I'm famished constantly. But it works for me. Good luck!
Re: Heartburn help...
2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 5 teaspoons of water (mix & drink fast -like a shot) helped me tons when I had really bad heartburn.
After discussing with my OB she had me start taking Prilosec OTC and I haven't had any problems since.
some of these sound crazy but they really work!
walk right after you eat, dont wait a few minutes
have a drink before you eat, not while you eat