Babies: 9 - 12 Months

recommend your 6+ toys.

I think I want to get G some big girl toys, and would love to hear some?recommendations?from those who already have big kids.?

We have Scout, a popcorn popper thing, and stackable rings...?

Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
DH: 31, no issues
4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: recommend your 6+ toys.

  • kiki4kiki4 member

    DS got this for Christmas, and I thought it would be a while before he could use it.  DH put it together right away, and DS loves playing with it.


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  • Ill be looking back on this one, Im interested in getting Mason some new toys.
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  • DD1 still loves her FP laugh and learn activity music table. She loved it when she was a baby and she seriously still plays with it daily!

    A doll stroller is great for when they're learning to walk, and also still gets played w/ daily. DD's stroller is probably her absolutely favorite toy!

    The Parents Busy Zoo (or something like it) is a huge hit w/ both of my girls, so also a long-term toy. Ignore the Amazon insane price. I got it at Target for $40 w/ a coupon.

    Lots of board books. Once DD1 could hold them, they became one of her favorite things to do.

    The Leap Frog drum is fun.

    Little People Farm has also been a long-term favorite toy in our house. I think DD1 got it when she was 10 months and it's another toy that she still plays with daily and we've always had out. You can often get it at Target on sale for $20.

    ETA: just remembered another huge hit! The FP Learning Home is another toy DD1 has loved from the start and still often plays with. And it's always a hit at playgroups :)

    Also, block sorters are great.

    And another ETA LOL.. a post above reminded me, the Parents toy cell phone was/is a huge hit too. It's the most realistic toy one I could find. They want the real thing and this one was close enough to fool DD ;)

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • imagebim38106:

    DD1 still loves her FP laugh and learn activity music table. She loved it when she was a baby and she seriously still plays with it daily!

    A doll stroller is great for when they're learning to walk, and also still gets played w/ daily. DD's stroller is probably her absolutely favorite toy!

    The Parents Busy Zoo (or something like it) is a huge hit w/ both of my girls, so also a long-term toy. Ignore the Amazon insane price. I got it at Target for $40 w/ a coupon.

    Lots of board books. Once DD1 could hold them, they became one of her favorite things to do.

    The Leap Frog drum is fun.

    Little People Farm has also been a long-term favorite toy in our house. I think DD1 got it when she was 10 months and it's another toy that she still plays with daily and we've always had out. You can often get it at Target on sale for $20.

    ETA: just remembered another huge hit! The FP Learning Home is another toy DD1 has loved from the start and still often plays with. And it's always a hit at playgroups :)

    Also, block sorters are great.

    And another ETA LOL.. a post above reminded me, the Parents toy cell phone was/is a huge hit too. It's the most realistic toy one I could find. They want the real thing and this one was close enough to fool DD ;)

    THANKS BIM!!!?

    Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
    DH: 31, no issues
    4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
    7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
    8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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