So ladies I saw a few posts on 3rd tri this morning talking about what to eat and not eat before the test. The point of the test is to see how well your body processes sugar. If your body does fine your results will be fine. You do not need to watch what you eat the day of in order to cheat the test because if you do you are only cheating yourself because you are doing your baby more harm than good! Yes no one wants to have gd but it just happens and you need to take the precautions needed for the health of your baby!
Oh and yes I did have gd with dd so yes I know how it feels to be told you have it and watch everything you eat. Just throwing that out there!!
Re: All these glucola posts just reminded me....
They probably told you not to eat something super sugary like trix for breakfast but what I am saying is use some common sense and don't cheat the test!! Everyon is told what time to drink thier drink and not to have anythign after you drink!