We went to eat Saturday afternoon at a restaurant. We sat down and before we barely get settled this is what I hear from the NEXT table over.
Customer: "What are those?"
Waitress: "What, the high chair covers?"
Customer: "Yes, do you provide those?"
Waitress: "No, they brought their own."
Customer: "What are those sticky things?"
Waitress: "They are just plastic mats that stick to the table to keep their food clean."
Customer: "Do you provide those?"
Waitress: "Nope, they brought their own."
Customer: "Wow, interesting."
Our waiter hadn't even made it to our table before this conversation ended in my ear, plan as day. LOL
Talk about feeling like you are being watched like a hawk the ENTIRE meal. Geesh.
Re: We have twins, we are not deaf.
Jake flirted with the blonde lady at the table behind us, and Sam ate all the diced tomatoes and some chicken and lettuce out of my wrap.
We coated the back of their spoon in whipped cream and they loved it.
Ultimate success. Wahoo. I think I've won DH over to doing this once or 2x a month now.
YAY!!! I told you they just people watch almost the whole time! Jake = Landry. He will stare and stare at everyone almost the entire time.
So glad it was a success!!
You should have just answered the questions yourself. Or maybe you just have really awesome stuff!
I don't mind the stares...I stare at babies too! They are too cute. I lovez them. It was just funny that these people were talking to this poor waitress about us like she knew all about us and like we couldn't hear them. It was just awkward feeling! I felt like I couldn't move a muscle without them thinking, "What is she doing or what's she got?!"
We have these:
They come in a bag which is pretty handy, but they are pretty bulky though. DH carries in the floppy seat bags and I carry in the diaper bag when we go eat. I thought about getting something with less bulk, but then I realized that all the food that gets knocked off the table goes into their lap and stays there. So we can just scoop it out of there and put it on our plates instead of picking it off the floor or apologizing profusely for our mess. So, I guess we'll stick with them for now.