So I've always just given DD mixed pureed fruits and veggies, and rice cereal and oatmeal. We've only done a few other little foods for her to try (avacado, puffs, yogurt melts, frozen french toast sticks, etc). We would like to start introducing her to food other than jarred baby food.
I'm curious what your 7 or 8 month old babies eat. Thanks!
Also, do all veggies have to be cooked before giving to DD? LIke cucumbers or can she just suck on them?
Re: Food for your 7 month old..?
DD eats.....
butternut squash, yellow squash, accorn squash, green beans, broccoli, carrots, peas (pureed and not pureed), peaches, pears, applesauce, bannanas (sliced and quartered), prunes, black beans (whole), puffs, multigrain cherios. Hmmmm, I think that is it. There is a good resourse at that talks about what has to be cooked and what doesn't. I'm not sure about cucumbers
I started giving my LO biter biscuits when she was about 61/2 months and she was/is not crawling yet. ?They pretty much just dissolve as she chews on them. I only give them to her supervised. ?They are super messy but she loves chewing on them!
Our pedi said we can start giving Anthony puffs and cheerios and things when he can sit up straight. We just gave him his first puffs tonight ... he did really well!
I think right now it's all about the mushy things.