I am planning on buying some small items for DS for when the baby is born so that he will get small gifts here and there if someone would happen to buy the baby a gift so he doesn't feel left out.
Any ideas or suggestions? I don't want to buy anything big because his birthday is a few weeks before EDD. Here are some things I have thought of so far:
play doh/accessories
coloring books/crayons
little cars
Re: 2nd time moms
Neat idea!
Puzzles, books, sticker sheets, paint w/ water books.
I'm planning on buying a few "big sister" tees and matching outfits for DD and LO. I already showed DD a few matching outfits online and she loved them! Also, books are good and maybe a new DVD or two? I didn't see how old your DS is, but we are enrolling DD in a big sibling class at the hospital we are delivering at also.
ETA: oh your DS is still quite young, but yes I would just do the crayons, books and tees and just continue to include him in everything that has to do with baby and how important his big brother role is!
Great ideas. I think I will do the same.
Stickers, play-doh, books, puzzles, and a new movie are all things I think will be great for my DS.
We are going to visit friends that just had their second and I think I will put together a little gift for their son as well.
We're getting DS some things he can play with at the hospital (since we're going in for a repeat c/s) and a shirt/hat.
Some ideas:
Coloring book / crayons
DVD (bringing along a laptop to play them on)
We thought of toy cars also, but immediately my mind flash-forwarded to a rogue car on the floor as I try to get out of the hospital bed, or as a nurse comes in, LOL. The toy cars will have to wait until we get home
DS is also staying with my Mom, so that in itself is quite a treat for him. We're also ordering a special "new family" meal and a cake for our first dinner as a family of 4, so it's special for all of us.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again