Just seems to be my week..
Background: (pt 1) Thurs had a root canal and have been in pain ever since, this am called my dentist who told me to call the oral sugeron who did it and see if he can fit me in. So I did and he's on vacation.... called my dentist back and went to see him at 10am this am.
(pt 2) had my second 1hr glucose test (I was 285lbs pp and am only 5ft1) on Friday afternoon didn't feel to good from it, cramped late Friday night (NO spotting) and cramped on and off sat/sun got really bad last night so I called the Dr this am and they said to come after the Dentist apt incase it's from an infection.
Dentist says all is well as far as NO infection, NO fracture, just bruised- can't take Codine (allergic) so dentist writes Dr a note asking for help with what I can take and if the Dr doesn't want to do the Rx dentists will but just needs to know what to give me. (seems fair enough to me!)
I get to the Dr's BP is elevated by not high, Dr does his exam- internal and external (I'm measuring 27wks but he said not to worry about that?!?). By the end of the apt- he's told me my glocuse test was high but within range so we will be doing it again at 28wks, and that I'm anemic (!?!?!) have a UTI, and a yeast infection....
WAIT WHAT!??!?? I've been complaining about my back being sore for weeks and it doesn't hurt to pee......and I've had a yeast infection many times before, don't have those symptoms.......
I'm so confused and overwhelmed - guess i'm living on the couch for the next 24hours!
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Re: Okay....wait- what?!?!
I had about four UTIs with my first. It's AWFUL! And sometimes the symptoms aren't that you have pain when you pee. As a matter of fact, all of them with my first was just that I was going frequently and felt constant pressure. That was it! I'm glad it was caught because they are nasty little things!
I'm sorry about everything else. I hope you take it easy today and relax. FEEL BETTER!
thanks ladies!
Luv2teach- I thought it was odd but when he started poking and prodding and it hurt I was like okay whatever just stop that!
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When I went to my last OB appointment they told me that I failed the 1 hr glucose test and that I was anemic too. It is all overwhelming!
What did they give you for the anemia? I'm taking Taron Forte. At first I took it on an empty stomach and it made me feel really sick and dizzy. Now I'm taking it with food and it doesn't bother me at all.
The last few weeks i've been so weak and tired, but I wasn't in the 1st tri so I figured okay it just caught up to me! now the dr's pretty sure it's the iron so I guess that's good!
I'm on Ferrous Sulf 5mg 2x a day- figured I'll take it tonight before bed and see what happens and go from there!
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