Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Painful Sex Still?

DD is 9.5 mos old and intercourse still hurts-I had a c-section and am EBFing and on the mini pill. We've only tried maybe once a month because I hate trying because its not comfortable/enjoyable at all. We've tried lube, different positions, etc. Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions at all? Maybe we need to try more frequently or something.....I have no idea.

Re: Painful Sex Still?

  • raises hand - I'm in the same boat on everything, but I didn't have a c-section (I had a 2nd degree tear). I've got no suggestions, sorry. It sucks :(
  • imageStrawberryBlondeMomma:
    raises hand - I'm in the same boat on everything, but I didn't have a c-section (I had a 2nd degree tear). I've got no suggestions, sorry. It sucks :(

    Me too:(

    I'm hoping that it gets better once I wean, but that's not for a while...

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  • Just wanted to say HEY BATTY! Yes
  • Hi there - I am barely bf-ing any more and I had an episiotomy with a second degree tear - we haven't tried in a while...we were going to on our big first-weekend-away this past weekend...and I got my F-ING PERIOD for the first time Since Oct. 2008! And it hurt putting a tampon in, too....Anyway, I am hoping that with bf-ing about over, my period starting again, etc. that hormonally I will be in better condition for sex.
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