I'm beginning to wonder if I am the worst mother in the world. I saw a post the other day with bumpies who said their babies' bedtimes were around 7pm.
I always had a vision in my head of babies with early bedtimes. But in our household, DS goes to bed between 9-10pm.
The thing is, it works with our schedules. DH doesn't get home from work until about 7:30. After that we get dinner ready and eat around 8pm. After that we have a little bit of time to play and get him ready for bed.
Last night was the earliest he ever went down and that was at 9:15. FWIW, DS wakes up around 8am.
Is anyone else in the same boat? The thing is, I don't really want him going to bed earlier because it would mean neither DH nor I would get much time with him at night.
Re: Anyone else have babies with late bedtimes?
My kids go to bed at 8:30. DH typically gets home around 7 and then we have dinner and they get to hang out with Daddy for a bit.
The schedule works fine for us, they are not tired throughout the day or anything. For some people, later schedules is what works best.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
DD falls asleep in her swing at 8:30pm and we take her up to bed when we are ready. She might eat a bottle then but will go right back to sleep and sleeps in until 8:30-10am. It works well for us.
9-10 is early in our house! DS used to be a super night owl, going to bed between 11-12. now that he's cutting out his 3rd nap, it's somewhere between 9-10:30. the other night i had him in bed asleep by 9:15 & i didn't know what to do w/myself! (although i think that was the day DS woke up early & didn't fall back asleep, we usually go in to get him up at 8:30).
i'd say as long as it works for you, don't worry about it.
but i know what you mean. i always read on here about babies in bed at 7-9pm. i sort of would like more grown up time at night to get things done and relax, but DH & i are night owls, of course DS is!
we have an 8:30-9:30p bedtime .. i don't even get home from work until 6:30p. i CANNOT imagine putting dd down then or at 7pm ?!? i wouldn't get to spend any time w/ her let alone dh. fwiw, she is an AWESOME napper during the day - 90-120 min morning nap and a 60-90 minute afternoon nap.
our bedtime works for us .. she's up at 7:15-45am.
I'm all for doing what's best for your baby as long as baby is not being negatively affected by it. Whatever you decide to do I feel needs to be done in your child's best interest and not necessarily YOUR convenience. Not flaming here, just my thoughts. Also, something to read and consider.
We start B's bedtime routine at 10:30PM most nights. He's usually in bed by 11:30PM, though some nights it's a little earlier (or later). Last night he went to bed at 10:45, but he took terrible naps all day so it made sense that he was exhausted.
He gets up, on average, about 11:30AM.
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
Late bedtime for us-8:30-9:00, wakes up around 8.
If she goes to sleep before 8:00, she'll be wide awake from 2-4 am.
My kid goes to bed at 11/12
I know its late but my husband works late (2 jobs) and i think its in her best interest to see her father everyday.
She also sleeps late. Usually til 10/11. And she sleeps thru the night and takes at least 3 great naps a day. Im a sahm so she can sleep as long as she'd like.
My pedi says as long as she is sleeping long enough it doesnt matter what time she actually falls asleep. She is on a consistent routine and bedtime is a happy time... its just on a different schedule than most
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
DD's bedtime is 9:30 and she sleeps until 9:30am. She gets plenty of sleep so I don't worry about it
DD1's bedtime is 9 and she sleeps until around 8. I don't think we've ever put her to bed before 8:45! It just works for our family. We all go to bed late and get up late. DH makes his own hours so that's what works for all of us
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
Dd has always gone to bed late. It used to be 10oclock.
Now that she has to get up at 6am she goes to bed at about 9:15.
She takes two, two hour naps.
I have tried several times to get her to bed earlier, and it has never happened, we end up fighting until her regular bedtime.