Hi everyone! I know you are suppose to wait to find out the sex till your 20th week, but DH and I were hoping to find out on our 17th (we will be on a family vacation and wanted to surprise everyone). So just wanted to know if anyone found out sooner rather then later and how accurate it was. Also, do they have to do anything vaginally for the sonogram? Thanks!
Re: How early did you find out sex?
16w 2d- Girl - On belly no internal u/s ( this was elective u/s )
21w2d - Re confirmed Girl- no internal
I found out right before my 18 week at a 4D sonogram place that we paid for. My doctors office doesn't do gender scans before 20 weeks and the tech at the 4D place was a moron and thought we were having a girl before she even got a decent shot.
After asking for a crotch shot she said it was a boy and it was confirmed at the 20 week.
You might be able to find out early but I'd wait till at least 18 weeks to do so.
16 weeks with blood test confirmation.
ALLLLLL BOY at 17wks 6days! He was VERY in-discrete during the us!
Radiologist and doctor both agree that it's 100% a boy and should be ok to start the nursery! We can't wait!
16 weeks, and I wish we'd waited--the gender determination at 16 weeks was wrong. (They said boy, and it's a girl.)
The only vaginal ultrasound I had was at 6 weeks. My 12 week NT scan and all subsequent ultrasounds were on the belly.
My Peri guessed girl at my 12 and 14 week ultrasounds. She confirmed girl at 16 weeks and double checked at 18, 19, and 20 weeks.
So, 17 weeks seems perfectly fine to me!
16wks 1day - Boy (this was checking if my placenta had risen)
18wks 1day- confirmed Boy! (this was my anatomy scan)
We're supposed to find out at 17 weeks and 3 days - hoping they can tell at that point
They said typically they like to wait until 18-20 weeks but they should be able to tell by that point.