So we have some neighbors that live behind us. They are always yelling at their kids. Especially the mom. Always. And we can hear every word of it when we are outside. So Saturday, DH and I were outside in the yard getting our garden ready to plant in a few weeks. We hear the mom start yelling at one of the little boys. Then we hear... "God, I f***ing hate you! Get in the house."
My jaw just dropped. I looked at DH and said, did I just hear that?? He couldn't believe it either. That is ridiculous. I feel so bad for those poor kids. They get yelled at every day.
Re: Some parents make me sick (vent)
"I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
"Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
I have never understood parents that treat their children that way. Also goes for the ones who curse in front of them (not necessarily at them) and allow them to be in the same room while they have "adult" conversations....
And to say you "hate" your child? Come on, really?
You heard WHAT?
I wonder how people like that would react to being investigated by Children's Protective Services, and/or having their kids taken away from them.
On another though: my landlords are the same way, and they live above us. When they aren't yelling, the kids are running so much it sounds like a bowling alley is upstairs from us.
I don't believe CPS will do anything if they are clothed, fed and not being physically abused.
I've seen cases of verbal abuse being taken care of. To be told "I f*cking hate you" is verbal and emotional abuse.
Besides yelling, I have never heard her swear like that before or ever seen any physical abuse. It definitely makes me want to keep an eye out over there to make sure nothing really bad is going on.
Right, but in cases like this, it's not unusual for the parents to treat their kids more severely behind closed doors.
"I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
"Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
This is what I am afraid of. She has to know that everyone in the neighborhood can hear everything she says to them, but must not seem to care.
oh c'mon... cps is not a toy. in most counties they're strapped for resources as it is.
Excuse me. Who in the hell described them as a toy? It is HIGHLY unfortunate that CPS actually HAS to exist.
Generally, verbally abused kids are ALSO physically abused. And in turn, SOME of these [abused] children grow up to be the perpetrators of the crimes they were victims of, or they can never get out of the vicious cycle of being victims.
Seriously. Nobody in this post said that CPS is a toy meant to call in a 'just in case' event.
You know, if it weren't for people actually CALLING to report incidents involving child abuse and/or neglect, those cases and their perpetrators would never see their day in court.
I have the same issue with my neighbors. They are always yelling at the kids so of course the only way the kids know how to communicate is by screaming & yelling (even during play time with other kids). The parents (mom mostly) yells at the kids to tell them to stop yelling (which I will never understand). Last week I heard her tell one of the kids to get inside before she beat her. I was shocked. If I ever witnessed anything physical I would definitely report it.
I honestly hate being in my back yard when they are outside. It doesnt get any better when the kids go to sleep either - the adults hang outside and make just as much noise. Stinks how one neighbor can ruin things for the entire neighborhood!
This is true, but there would have to be actual evidence of that happening.
One of my best friends is a bystander to her husband's sister being verbally abused and their kids are also verbally abused. It is a terrible, sad situation, but it's difficult to do anything about it when it's verbal/emotional.
Personally, that is uncalled for. I understand sometimes as an adult you get stressed out, short tempered but to take it out on the child is not right verbally or physically.
It's the negative things that poor kid is going to remember about their childhood.
Remembering Evelyn and raising Bailey
Evelyn Born at 24wks 6days on May 22, 2010 due to pre-e Passed away May 25, 2010
BFP# 2 Delivered 6wks early due to preeclampsia
That is so horribly sad. Has this person attempted to get the hell out of there before it gets worse?
That's what makes it so frustrating. My friend's sister-in-law WON'T LEAVE. So she is not only keeping herself in that situation, but her kids as well.
My friend and her husband are trying to represent quality role models (they will often take him for weekends at a time), but there is only so much they can do.
This is so sad. Unfortunately, I have neighbors like that who live behind me as well. They drive around on their quads in the yard with children under 2 on their laps at top speeds, say the most disgusting things to their children and the children repeat it. I had to call the cops twice on them. Once, it was bc they left their 11 yr old to babysit all of the younger ones and while they all drove quads around the yard, one of them (a young boy around 6) cut his foot open on some glass in the yard and was screaming for help for awhile. I was gardening with my mother and once we realized there were no adults present there, we called and an ambulance and the cops came right away.
Another time was when we heard a huge commotion, then shattering glass and kids screaming "Don't hurt her!" Turns out the father was beating the crap out of the mother.
It is tragic. Everyone in the neighborhood hears it, including other children. I haven't had to call in awhile but that doesn't mean they haven't cleaned up their act. I am no angel, but would never say things like that to any child or any person. We (along with our other neighbors) often get scared inside on nice days bc we just don't want to hear that filth.
I totally agree. I feel that verbal abuse might be worse than physical.
yeah, my aunt works for cps. what you said was:
"I wonder how people like that would react to being investigated by Children's Protective Services, and/or having their kids taken away from them."
cps is for protecting children, not teaching lessons to parents. your phrasing really bothered me... as if you thought maybe they'd appreciate what they had if cps got involved.
Get this: I simply don't give a flying crap what bothers you and doesn't bother you - from what it seems like, 99% of things people say on here bothers you, or you have to find a way to disagree with them.
I said that because some people actually don't realize that what they do is wrong - and when something such as being investigated or getting their kids taken away happens to them, they go "What the hell?" - because they are idiots. Someone who would say "I f*cking hate you" to their child is an IDIOT who never should have children.