This weekend we went to our first ultrasound and found out that we are on TEAM BLUE!! He is healthy and moving like crazy! But I found out I have an anterior placenta. I know there have posts about this before, but mommas and mommas-to-be with an anterior placenta, would you mind telling me when you felt the baby move? I can't wait to feel the little guy!
Re: The Big Reveal & Anterior Placenta
I also have an anterior placenta and I felt the baby move for the first time (although I didn't know what it was at the time) at 21 weeks. It was really low though. I am 25 weeks Wednesday and most of the time it is still really low.
Don't worry, it will happen soon!!
congrats on a boy!
I hate to be the one with some crappy news, but I hardly felt DD. It was so sad... DH only felt her a couple of times. I hope others with anterior placenta tell you something different.
I thought seeing him move was the coolest thing! DH was amazed that I couldn't feel each kick. He kept saying "Wow that was a big one, can you really not feel this?"
We just had our first US this past Friday, we're ALSO on Team Blue, Baby is also Healthy, is Moving around A LOT AND have an anterior placenta! So I guess we're on the same page! This is our first so I'm not really sure if the flutters that I've been feeling for the last couple of days have been the LO. They just started and they are really sporatic so I'm not sure if it's him or not. So I guess I'm not that much help!
But I'm right there with you!
I was told I had an anterior placenta with both my boys, and I had started feeling them as early as 14 weeks. I think it was a while before we could see them kick on the outside, but I could feel them inside early on.
Mommy to 2 boys, ages 7 and 5 and a little girl who is 1.5
It is nice to know that someone is right there too! It was a little disappointing but in the end I was just estatic that he was doing well! Hopefully we will feel our little guys soon! To me it would be reassuring to feel him move, just so I know he is doing ok!
I have an anterior placenta with this pregnancy and I started feeling him/her at 19 weeks. It's really consistent now.
Also, congrats on the boy! I have a 2 year old son at home and he's THE BEST! Boys are great!