Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Holy Shiiit...Separation Anxiety

We left DD with both sets of grandparents last week while we were gone on our honeymoon and now she's developed a serious case of separation anxiety.  When I took her to visit my parents' house yesterday, she clung to me for dear life.  If I stepped out of her line of vision she would scream bloody murder.  She was a happy, bubbly baby all day until we stepped foot in that house and she realized where we were.  It's like she thought I was going to leave her there again.

It's even worse today.  I can't go to the bathroom or walk to the kitchen without her losing her shiiit.  Please tell me this is just a passing phase.


Re: Holy Shiiit...Separation Anxiety

  •   I'm interested in the responses too.  Nora freaks out when I leave her in the morning to go to work.  I know she has fun with her grandmas (my mom and MIL alternate days with her while I'm at work).  She's always happy and laughing when I come home.  But, once I'm home, she'll only want me to hold her.  Even DH won't do.  I like that she loves me, but it makes me so sad in the morning!
  • Jake seems to be ahead of the curve on this one too....i hate it when he cries when I leave!
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  • Welcome to my world. I've been dealing with this since N was 4 months old. His case is actually a little complicated. Not only is it seperation anxiety, it's also stranger anxiety. It sucks!
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  • I don't have any advice on the situation, I just wanted to say congratulations on the wedding and honeymoon :)
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