I have had the flu for about 10 days now. Coughing, sneezing, congestion, etc. It got better on Saturday, but then yesterday morning I woke up with diarrhea and stomach cramps/nausea. I called and got the nurse and she just said to make sure I drink lots of fluids. I pretty much slept all day and the cramps started to subside, but I wasn't able to eat anything all day. I got up last night to go pee before I went to sleep and when I saw down on the toilet, I started to feel really nauseous and really really faint. I sat on the floor because I thought I was going to throw up and it got even worse. I started sweating and got tunnel vision. DH was downstairs and I couldn't even talk, so I banged on the floor because I couldn't walk to get myself back to bed. He came up and helped me into bed and it passed right after that. I ate a yogurt and was fine all night. Do you think this light-headedness episode was related to not eating all day and just being weak? It worried me, but I felt the baby move all last night, so I'm think he's OK. Is it pretty common to feel this way with the stomach flu? Thanks, Ladies!
Re: Have you almost passed out before?
I had the same episode when i was 17 weeks. I wasnt sick but I had been on my feet all day cleaning and stuff and then I got into the shower. I was taking a warm shower and all of a sudden I got really dizy. I knelt down and before I knew it I woke up with the water hitting my face. I knew I fainted and freaked out! I immediatly called my Dr and he said as long as i didnt fall and hit my abdomen I should be ok. I talked to my mom also and she said she fainted when she was pregnant with me almost everyday.
I think its ok but if you get really worried go to the doctor ....