2nd Trimester

So proud of myself, staying right at 11 pounds

About the first month of my pregnancy I went ass crazy with food.  I was eating anything and everything that sounded good, and usually that was high carb high fat foods. When I wasn't nauseaus I was HUNGRY and I indulged, and I paid for it.  I gained 6 pounds by 10 weeks.

Since I started feeling better I am really working on eating smaller portions, making healthier choices and trying to be more active (slowly getting my house back together from the 2 months I took off).

As of today I am 16 weeks and holding steady at an 11 pound weight gain. I am really proud of myself for stopping the onslaught before it got totally out of control.

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Re: So proud of myself, staying right at 11 pounds

  • imageCourtneyR2N:

    About the first month of my pregnancy I went ass crazy with food.  I was eating anything and everything that sounded good, and usually that was high carb high fat foods. When I wasn't nauseaus I was HUNGRY and I indulged, and I paid for it.  I gained 6 pounds by 10 weeks.

    Since I started feeling better I am really working on eating smaller portions, making healthier choices and trying to be more active (slowly getting my house back together from the 2 months I took off).

    As of today I am 16 weeks and holding steady at an 11 pound weight gain. I am really proud of myself for stopping the onslaught before it got totally out of control.

    Love this... I also went "ass crazy" and it all went to my ass haha :)

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  • ha-ha i did the same thing! My nurse who does my weight gain looked at me like i had lost my mind! So i gave her a wink and promised to do better...and i did! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
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  • with my first i gained 50+ lbs.. i ate everything and anything. and regretted it because i still havent lost it all. this time im being a little more sensible. i am 22 weeks and have gained 4 lbs :) very proud of myself as well!
  • I did the same and had gained 10lbs by 14 weeks I managed to maintain that until 25 weeks when I put on another 2lbs have not weighed since.
  • great work! :)  lmao @ "ass crazy" Stick out tongue
  • haha, it all went to my ass and thighs too.  That was the reason I had to go to maternity clothes so soon, I couldn't squeeze my butt into anything.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagezukolivie:

    Good for you, Momma~

    I did the same thing the first trimester, but now I'm back on track.  My week by week book said I should have gained 10 - 13 lbs by now and I'm right at 13, so I'm pretty psyched!

    We can be food buddies :)

    Oh, well if 1-13 pounds by 18 weeks is where you are supposed to be, then I am in a pretty good spot.

    And yes Zuk, we can be food buddies :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageCourtneyR2N:

    Good for you, Momma~

    I did the same thing the first trimester, but now I'm back on track.  My week by week book said I should have gained 10 - 13 lbs by now and I'm right at 13, so I'm pretty psyched!

    We can be food buddies :)

    Oh, well if 1-13 pounds by 18 weeks is where you are supposed to be, then I am in a pretty good spot.

    And yes Zuk, we can be food buddies :)

    Yeh, I'm reading that book to, and I was at 12 lbs. by my 18 wk. appt. I was proud of myself, until the doc came in and said that it was way too much! I was like WTF?!?!? Made me mad!

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  • Congrats!! I am holding steady at 11 lbs too at 28 weeks!!! Although I have a feeling that this month, I gained a little bit more. I am going to find out next week...Big Smile
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicMy food blog: Blissfully Delicious BabyFruit Ticker
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