2nd Trimester

Wool pants giveaway!

The Square Pea Baby is giving away a pair of free wool longies on her blog!  She makes awesome woolies.  And if you plan on cloth diapering these are awesome covers :)  Even if you don't they are just plain cute!

 Just thought you ladies may be interested :)

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Re: Wool pants giveaway!

  • not related at all just curious...i have seen the little tag for Sam's Fans quite a bit...can you tell me what that is for?
  • He is a 4 month old from my regular board (The Eco Friendly Family).  He was just diagnosed with neuroblastoma (a form of cancer) and has cancer in a few areas of his body :( 


    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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  • OH...i had to ask didnt I, I'm such a cry baby... :( Poor sweet baby! My thoughts and Prayers are with him and his family! Thank you for sharing that with me.

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