Babies: 9 - 12 Months

F/U What time does your LO go to bed....What time does he/she wake up?

1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep?

2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?

3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically?

Tahlia is going to bed around 7:30.  She is waking SO early though, usually between 5:00-5:30, and typically wakes 1-2 times a night.  She takes 2 naps during the day.  One usually last 1 1/2 hours and the other 45 minutes, sometimes she will take a 30 minute cat nap late afternoon, around 4:00-4:30.  I am curious as to how long other LO's are sleeping.  It seems Tahlia is requiring less and less sleep these days but I know she NEEDS at least 12 hours and does not seem to be getting it. 

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Re: F/U What time does your LO go to bed....What time does he/she wake up?

  • LO sleeps from 9/9:30 to 6am. He's six months and has been doing this for a few weeks now. He usually takes 3-4 naps a day, but they're only 15-20 minutes max.
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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? around 10-112. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? he gets up to eat around 10 and then usually needs his pacifier once in the middle of the night.  I still count it as STTN though.  He definitely has his nights where he's up 4 or 5 times though.3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? 3 or 4...all 40ish minutes.
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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? about 11ish (7:30ish until about 6:45am)

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? yep - didn't start until just after 9mos - although we've had a bit of regression this week and we're back to 1 waking a night but i think it's teething pain

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? usually 2 naps - 30-60min each - but sometimes just 1

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  • 1. The girls go about 12 hours.  They are usually in bed by 730 at the latest and wake up around 7 in the morning. 

    2. Ava will sometimes wake during the night but a good backrub and some music soothe her.  Lauryn STTN unless a tooth is popping through or she doesnt feel good.

    3. During the week they take two naps.  The first is an hour and the afternoon they go 2 1/2 hours.  On the weekend they take a 2 hr morning nap and maybe a cat nap in the afternoon as we usually are out and they sleep in the stroller or car seat.

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  • 1. Audra usually goes down between 8:30 and 9:30, and she's up for the day at 6:30.

    2. She doesn't sleep through the night. She'll typically nurse 2-3 times a night.

    3. Sometimes she'll skip napping completely, other days she'll take 1 to 2 30 minute naps. 

  • I'm planning on asking the pedi about this when we go for E's 6 month checkup today, because we're kind of in the same boat.

    He was going to bed around 7 - 7:30, and sleeping until around 7 am, waking up anywhere from 1-3 times a night, just wanting the paci.

    NOW, he'll go to bed around the same time, and he may wake up the same amount of times, but now he's up at 6 am, ready to party.  he'll hang out in the crib & play until we feed him at 7:30, but i don't get why the sudden change.

    I wonder if that's a sign that it's time to drop the third nap in the day?

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? Between 11 and 12.2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?  Yes.  Early on and then after the 4 month wakeful left us alone.3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically?  2. They are both anywhere between 1 hour and 2 1/2 hours.
  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 10-12 overnightgoes down between 8:30-9:30

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? most nights, if she wakes and doesn't soothe herself we will give her a Nuk, very rarely do I feed her in the night.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? 2 naps, they vary, on a good day 2- 2hour naps.  But usually anywhere from 45min-2.5 hours for each nap. 

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  • imageJacques715:

    1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 10...but they are not always ready to wake up so we're working on treating the 5am wakeup as a night waking instead.  They go to bed at 630.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?  The both started around 4 months? We've had sleep regressions though.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? 2, usually 1.5 hours each. 

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  •   Nora goes down around 7:30 usually.  She mostly STTN, on occasion will wake once for her pacifier.  She stirs around 5:30-6ish, I'll run in and pop her pacifier in, turn on her seahorse, and generally get another 30-45 minutes of sleep from her (which gives me time to pump and shower:).  So, she gets about 11 hours per night.  Naps, however, are a disaster.  I can only get her to rest for about 30 min. a few times a day, and it's usually in her stroller or carseat while she's out with me or with her grandmas (who watch her while I'm at work).  I'm not complaining though, because it is much easier to function now that I'm sleeping again at night!
  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 10.5 hours average

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? A few weeks ago

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? 2 1-2hour naps a day and 1 30 minute nap

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep?

    Down at 7:30 and been waking at 6 (ugh) for the past few weeks. However, sometimes after the bottle I give him I'll lay him back down and he'll snooze for another 45 minutes. So about between 11 and 12 hours a night. 

     2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?

    Yes. He really started doing this consistently at 8 months. Until then he'd wake up a few times during the night and want a little bottle. 

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? Two naps. A small one in the late morning for about 30-45 minutes. Then a longer one in the afternoon of around 2 hours.

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 830-630

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? She started just after 6 months

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? usually a nice long one (2 hrs) in the morning, then 2 or 3 more around 30-60 minutes each.

    We had one arm swaddled still until a few weeks ago. Now she is completely unswaddled, and while its harder to get her to go to sleep, she puts herself back to sleep at night better.

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  • 1.  She's in bed between 6:00 and 7:30, depending on when her last nap was.  she sleeps about 11-13 hours a night.

    2.  Yes.  At 6 months when we did CIO.

    3.  2 naps a day, 1 1/2-3 hours each.  Unless she's at daycare.  She doesn't nap well there.

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  • 1. the girls go down around 7pm and sleep til 6 11 hours.

    2. they started STTN at 3 months. they used to go down at 6-6:30pm and wake at 6am from 3-8 months.

    3. they take 2 naps...usually 1 hour each...tho sometimes they can be 2 hours and sometimes they can be 30 minutes.

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? about 10 hours

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? Yes, he has been STTN since about 5 months. We still have the occasional regression due to illness or teething but for the most part he STTN.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically?  Two naps... one in the morning that last anywhere from 2-3 hours and another one in  the afternoon that last 2-3 hours.

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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep?

    Ha! Um....maybe 10 hours but not straight through.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?

    Nope and I don't think she ever will

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically?

    2-3. If we get 3 naps in it's usually two 1 1/2 hour naps (one morning and one afternoon) and one 30-45 min nap (usually right before supper).

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? around 10

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? Yes, most of the time unless she is teething. Sttn since she was 2 months old

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? she will take anywhere from 2-3 naps/day and they are anywhere from 1hr-4hr


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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? She goes down at 7:30 & is up around 6ish, gets a bottle & a diaper change, then goes back down for up to 4 more hours. Usually though I get her up at 8:15/8:30 to go to work.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? Some days. I'd say a max of 3 times/week. We had to CIO to get there though, before she was up 5-6 times/night.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? In the morning within 3 hours or so of waking she'll go down for a nice long nap, usually 2-3 hours. An afternoon nap SOMETIMES, but not always, usually around 3/4 for only 15-20 minutes

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? He goes down between 9:30-10, sometimes later and we usually sleep until 8 am.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? He STTN until the wakeful started. I started to give up on ever seeing STTN again but he did it again Friday and Saturday night.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? If he naps, he'll nap one nap a day and it could be anywhere from 30 min to 3hrs. DS likes to keep us on our toes and not be consistent.

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  • 1. 11-12

    2. STTN on and off since 5 months - although more off.  Just started STTN regularly at 9.5 months.

    3. 2 naps per day, usually 3 hrs total, divided btwn the two naps.

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  • Seems like my LO is the earliest riser of all.  I think her slep has gottern worse as she has gotten older.  She always wants to be awake playing.  Last night we put her down at 7:30 and she played alone in her crib for half an hour before falling asleep. 

    I can't wait for the day she sleeps until 6:30 again!

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  • 1. 11-12 hours most nights.  She goes to bed between 6:30-7pm and sleeps until around 5:30-6:00am.

    2.  She started sleeping through the night around 3 months, then regressed, then started again around 5 months and she's regressed again.  We're getting up around 4 times a night with her.

    3. During the week she takes 3-4 naps at daycare (30-40 minutes), on the weekends she takes 3 naps (2 long naps and 1 short nap before dinner). 

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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 12-13 hours.  (7:30 pm to 8-8:30 am)

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? The textbook definition of STTN is 5-6 hours, and she started that around 6-7 weeks old. She started sleeping 7-10 hours around 11 weeks, and just got to 12-13 solid straight hours last week.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? Usually 2 naps, sometimes a third in the late afternoon. The morning one is usually 1.5 hrs, the afternoon one is usually 2 hrs, and the rare third nap is 45 minutes or so.

  • 1. He sleeps about 9-10 hours.

    2. No STTN. He's in bed at 9 p.m., up briefly around 1 and 5 a.m. and up for good by 7:30 a.m.

    3. He usually naps once in the late morning and once in the afternoon and sometimes falls asleep on the drive home from day care.

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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? She usually sleeps 101/2-11 hours.  In bed between 8 and 8:30 and up right around 7 am.2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? For the most part yes.  She is teething pretty bad so sometimes she wakes up once but goes right back to sleep.  She has been STTN since 2 months.  At that point she slept about 8 hours then she slowly would wake up later and later then started going to sleep a little earlier.3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? Sometimes she only takes one nap a day for a very short time.  Other days she takes one long nap (like 2 hours).  Other days she takes 2 1 hour or so naps.  She is not on a schedule with naps at all but I am fine with it for now since she isn't cranky too much when she skips a nap or doesn't stay asleep for long.  I have tried getting her on a schedule but it just makes things worse during the day and her sleep at night off.
  • 1. DS sleeps from 11-11.5 hours a night.  Goes to sleep between 8-9pm and gets up between 7-8:30. (although he wakes up some during these hours)

    2. DS doesn't sleep thru the night yet.  He gets up around 2:30 to nurse then again around 6:30 or 7 (sometimes not going back to sleep after that last time).

    3. DS takes 3 naps during the day, usually they are 40 minutes long.

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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? Usually 11 or so.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? She started around 3 months.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? 2 for about 45 minutes each on good days.

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  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep? 10 hours.

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN? She started STTN at 2 months.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically? They vary greatly. Usually 2 naps, about an hour long.

  • 1. How many hours a night does your LO sleep?

    Goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. Wakes up 30 minutes later..takes about 10 min to go back down. Is asleep for another 30 min then wakes up..takes 10 min to go back down. Stays asleep until 1AM, back down by 1:30 at the latest. Up again anywhere from 4-5 then again 6-6:30 and up for the day at 7:30 - 8:00.  

    So I guess that would be 12 hours minus 5 wakings. 

    2. Is your LO STTN? If so, when did he/she start STTN?

    No. Never has.

    3. How many naps a day does your LO take, how long are they typically?

    AM nap - usually at 10AM - lasting 45min - 60min

    PM nap - usually starting at 1PM - lasting 1-2 hours

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