We are doing a cookie monster theme for DD's 1st bday and I've found some really cute ideas online for cookie monster cupcakes, blue icing, a real cookie for the mouth and googly eyes..They look easy enough & I think I could handle it, but the idea of making & frosting at least 40 cupcakes on top of everything else to do for the party is not sounding to appealing. A friend of mine's aunt is starting her own cake business & I've seen her cakes from parties at my friends house and they are great..She will charge me $1.50 per cupcake & deliver them to our house that day. I was still planning on making a smash cake myself for DD..Should I splurge the $60.00 on the cupcakes or attempt them myself and risk running out of time or messin' them up, lol !?
Re: should I make the cupcakes myself ?
If they were plain old cupcakes I would say go for it. But in this case I say just save yourself the worry and trouble and buy them. And this is coming from an avid baker...
Baking with a baby is exhausting. I can never guarantee I won't get interrupted!