2nd Trimester

Dear Azrayla


ETA: Besides, let em have their abortions I read that multiple abortions makes it really difficult to keep a pregnancy later when they actually WANT the baby..they'll learn..


You are a disgusting human being to actually wish for someone else to lose a baby.


Re: Dear Azrayla

  • LCB34LCB34 member

    I was shocked when no one commented on that.  Thank you for letting everyone realize how big of a douche that comment (and poster) are for wishing infertility/ pregnancy loss on someone.


    FYI ? she usually posts on 3rd tri.

  • Confused Okay that was from way long ago for one..The OP was about some lady who was pg and blabbed that she was pg then talked to ANOTHER pg woman whining that her insurance wouldnt cover one of the abortions..

    Obviously she didnt want the kid but wanted the attention..I never said I hope she miscarries just that if shes running around blabbing her mouth and causing her own drama itll come bite her in the ass..

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  • LCB34LCB34 member

    If way long ago means Friday/ Saturday then yes, it was "way long ago".

    Stop trying to justify what you said and just accept that you are horrible for ever saying something like that.  And no, you didn't just say "it will come back to bite her in the ass" you literally wished miscarriages on her when she "finally wants a baby". 

    You suck.

  • imageLCB34:

    If way long ago means Friday/ Saturday then yes, it was "way long ago".

    Stop trying to justify what you said and just accept that you are horrible for ever saying something like that.  And no, you didn't just say "it will come back to bite her in the ass" you literally wished miscarriages on her when she "finally wants a baby". 

    You suck.

    Then I suck..hate me..wtf do I care? its a forum... Big Smile And I didnt wish anything deary..I just spit out a fact I had read..

  • imageAzrayla:

    Confused Okay that was from way long ago for one..The OP was about some lady who was pg and blabbed that she was pg then talked to ANOTHER pg woman whining that her insurance wouldnt cover one of the abortions..

    Obviously she didnt want the kid but wanted the attention..I never said I hope she miscarries just that if shes running around blabbing her mouth and causing her own drama itll come bite her in the ass..

    Um yeah I read it. You wished for someone else to lose her baby and that is disgusting.

    Do you believe in karma or not? If you do, that seems like a pretty risky thing to do when you yourself are pregnant. 

  • imageLCB34:

    I was shocked when no one commented on that.  Thank you for letting everyone realize how big of a douche that comment (and poster) are for wishing infertility/ pregnancy loss on someone.


    FYI ? she usually posts on 3rd tri.

    I was so busy comeneting on the original post and then the idiot who was screaming anyone who was pro-choice didn't respect the sanctity of life, that I never got as far to call this one out.

  • I never said I WISH.. Gawd..I dont know the lady she was obviously denying the kid and whining about it..she could have gotten her abortion without going up to another pg woman and crying that insurance wouldnt cover the baby she didnt want when the woman she was talking to was having a baby and who knows if it took her a while.. I think THAT is rude..

    If Im having trouble getting pregnant and finally did then some coworker wandered up and say hey I got pg by accident and no one will help pay for me to get rid of it I'd be a wee bit upset..

    Sure I believe in karma but I dont feel I did anything wrong..if you both do, my bad..

    There's a block feature on the bump now.. You both know how to spell my name..

  • yeah, its just a forum - everyone knows yall aren't real people or anything.


  • imageAzrayla:

    I never said I WISH.. Gawd..I dont know the lady she was obviously denying the kid and whining about it..she could have gotten her abortion without going up to another pg woman and crying that insurance wouldnt cover the baby she didnt want when the woman she was talking to was having a baby and who knows if it took her a while.. I think THAT is rude..

    If Im having trouble getting pregnant and finally did then some coworker wandered up and say hey I got pg by accident and no one will help pay for me to get rid of it I'd be a wee bit upset..

    Sure I believe in karma but I dont feel I did anything wrong..if you both do, my bad..

    There's a block feature on the bump now.. You both know how to spell my name..

    Come on. You know what you said and meant. Everyone else can read what you wrote and knows what you said and meant.

    That's great that you don't care that you're a crappy person. That's a pretty sure sign of someone who's a terrible person - that they don't even care that they are.

    At least I'm not naming my child as if she were a character out of a fantasy novel. Are you giving birth to an elf? 

  • imagetalltalltrees:

    I never said I WISH.. Gawd..I dont know the lady she was obviously denying the kid and whining about it..she could have gotten her abortion without going up to another pg woman and crying that insurance wouldnt cover the baby she didnt want when the woman she was talking to was having a baby and who knows if it took her a while.. I think THAT is rude..

    If Im having trouble getting pregnant and finally did then some coworker wandered up and say hey I got pg by accident and no one will help pay for me to get rid of it I'd be a wee bit upset..

    Sure I believe in karma but I dont feel I did anything wrong..if you both do, my bad..

    There's a block feature on the bump now.. You both know how to spell my name..

    Come on. You know what you said and meant. Everyone else can read what you wrote and knows what you said and meant.

    That's great that you don't care that you're a crappy person. That's a pretty sure sign of someone who's a terrible person - that they don't even care that they are.

    At least I'm not naming my child as if she were a character out of a fantasy novel. Are you giving birth to an elf? 


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I said what I said take it the way you want..

    And yes, I am giving birth to an elf..Confused real tactful. A lot of people actually like the name :) You arent going to hurt me e-feelings if you dont and I've seen a LOT worse posted on here than my little comment..so call me out!

    As for PP, it IS a forum! And after lexi who KNOWS if I am real or who anyone thinks I am..

  • imageAzrayla:
    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.

  • imagetalltalltrees:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?

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  • imageanmorgan32:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?


    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imagemrsw1007:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?


    Some people view the boards in "bump" mode (not to be confused with the title of the site.  Once a response is made, it goes to the top of the list.

  • imageanmorgan32:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?

    Why is it "disgusting" to make fun of a ridiculous name? I'm not making fun of the baby herself as it's not her fault - I'm making fun of this mother's terrible choice.

    I love how you call out making fun of a name but not wishing a miscarriage on someone, though.

  • imagemrsw1007:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?


    Agree also. Some people on this board love to stir up drama when nothing else is going on...I strongly agree that two wrongs do not make a right and flaming for this all super late is way dead :/

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • You're right, it totally doesn't matter that she wished miscarriage on someone because it happened a few days ago instead of today. Right.

  • imageanmorgan32:

    A lot of people actually like the name :)

    Yes, a lot of people who are under the age of 20 or who attend sci-fi conventions, I'm sure.


    Was that really necessary? You are trying to call her out on something she said (which I'm not going to comment on) that you thought was disgusting, and make her look/feel bad. But in doing so you make fun of her unborn child's name? I think that is disgusting. Two wrongs, don't make a right. And FWIW, I don't understand why you felt the need to stir up drama by re-posting something she said days ago. How many pages did you have to go back to find that?

    Just throwing out there that this is probably not the last time the little elfin baby's name will be made fun of, so it's probably best for her to get used to it.

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