Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Someone talk me down.

Kate does not sleep, and we have tried everything.  I put her to bed every night at 7:45, she wakes up around 10, gets a bottle and plays till 11.  Gets up again at 1am goes back down at 1:30, gets up again at 3am till around 3:30, up again at 5am goes back down at 6 then up for the day at 7.   Her pedi says she should be sleeping 10-12 hours straight at night, I wish.

I am at a loss, H doesn't ever hear her (so he says), so I am the one continuously up all night, making her bottles, changing her diaper.  I am so frustrated. I have tried CIO, but the longer I leave her the worse she gets and longer she stays up.  At 5&1/2mo she was completely sleeping throught the night and did for around a month, then this, and it is every single night without fail.  I did ferber and it was amazing, but now doesn't work.  People say she might be cutting her teeth, but it's been over a month and no teeth, plus she isn't too fussy during the day.  She acts like she is starving, which I know is not true, she eats fine during the day, she just doesn't ever want to sleep.  Please, someone, anyone, I need advice, or I will lose my mind from lack of sleep. TIA

Re: Someone talk me down.

  • Is she getting solid foods, this happened to DD at 5 months. After we started on solids, she was okay after that. I couldn't do CIO, but we just pat her back until she falls asleep in her crib. If it's not the food, maybe she is just going through a phase that will hopefully end soon.
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  • Unless she's had a bm, I wouldn't change her diaper at night anymore. Might be over-stimulating her? Also, have you tried offering a paci instead of feeding at night? I know my pedi recommended just letting DS cry for his night wakings when all he wanted was his paci and couldn't put it back in himself yet. GL.
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  • LVilaLVila member

    I agree about not changing the diaper. That requires light and it wakes them up. I haven't changed DD at night since she started sleeping more than 6 hours. 

    If you don't think she's hungry, I'd stop feeding her at night. I know every baby is different, but my DD hasn't required a night time feeding since she was about 5 months. Have you tried upping her daytime feeding amounts? If you think she DOES need to be fed, I'd leave her in her crib, prepare a bottle and feed it to her in her dark bedroom. No talking.

    Does she take a paci? We replace the paci if needed (rare, anymore) but during the 5-6 month rage we replaced it a few times per night. Again, no light. No talking.

    Really take a step back and think about what you were doing before when she was sleeping and now. Sometimes my H and I catch ourselves starting bad habits and DD reminds us... by not going to sleep or waking up a lot. It's easy to get out of habit when they are sleeping great.

    Good luck! 

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  • I LOVE this website! (Someone from TB posted it about a month ago).

    The women are developmental psychologists and have some good information about sleep setbacks. It helped me realise that I wasn't alone, and that it would pass, eventually.

    Boo on your pedi! Not all babies are the same!

  • Yeah, she is getting three meals a day with solids.  She is not too into formula since I stopped pumping and her pedi told us to try giving more foods.  So she gets the solids then I give her 4oz bottles between meals, which she rarely drinks all 4oz.
  • I wouldn't change her at night, but everytime I leave her with a wet diaper she soaks through her clothes so I end up having to change all her bedding and clothes at 3:30 in the morning, not fun.

    Unfortunately, she won't take a paci, but she does suck on her fingers so that is how she soothes herself, just seems like it doesn't work at night.

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