Babies: 9 - 12 Months

KC luvs RJ

Hiya honey!  Just about to go paint some stuff, but say you posted recently :) 






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Re: KC luvs RJ

  • Hey, mama!!  Did you get my email?
  • Saw you emailed, but haven't checked yet - we have been running today, will be checking email tonight though :)  I know you are following me now, right?! ;o)  hee hee, if my labor buddy doesn't I think I will disappear into blog oblivian (spell?). hee hee hee hee ha!






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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • lol.  I will follow, but I was logged into my other email when I was there and didn't feel like switching.  Lazy, I know.
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