Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Totally clueless on this feeding schedule thing. Lots of Ques.

How do I start cutting out bottles?  Does DD cut them out herself, or do I start limiting her bottles and feeding more solids? 

How many oz. of formula or bm does your LO take each day?

What do you do if your LO goes to DC early in the morning?  Do you give a bottle before you take LO or do you feed a solid breakfast?

What do you send to DC if you LO likes to eat finger foods?  Do you just send purees or do send other things to DC?

How do you start transitioning to the sippy cup?  I have tried everything, and DD wants NOTHING to do with it.  How does your DCP offer the sippy?  Just at feedings or throughout the day.

I feel very overwhelmed with her feeding and bottle schedule...

Re: Totally clueless on this feeding schedule thing. Lots of Ques.

  • You aren't supposed to cut out any bottles when you start solids. Solids should not replace BM or Formula until 1 year.

    I feed two solids per day, once in the morning or afternoon and once in the evening when we're eating dinner. They are in between the regular feedings of BM.

    We don't do finger foods yet b/c I've heard about'/seen too many infants choking on them at this age. Yours might be at the age where it's okay though.

    Try a different brand of sippy. DD likes the Nuk and Nubys, but doesn't like the Avent with the handles.

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  • imageLovelyJules:

    How do I start cutting out bottles?  Does DD cut them out herself, or do I start limiting her bottles and feeding more solids? Don't. LO will stop taking as much if she doesn't need it. Some people will tell you the amount of formula shouldn't change (but DD was taking over 40oz before we started solids and the doctor told us to cut).

    How many oz. of formula or bm does your LO take each day? At least 24 oz (recommended by pedi) from bottles, plus she gets some mixed in her cereal -- so about 24-30oz/day.

    What do you do if your LO goes to DC early in the morning?  Do you give a bottle before you take LO or do you feed a solid breakfast? N/A

    What do you send to DC if you LO likes to eat finger foods?  Do you just send purees or do send other things to DC? DD doesn't go to DC, but I would send a bit of each.

    How do you start transitioning to the sippy cup?  I have tried everything, and DD wants NOTHING to do with it.  How does your DCP offer the sippy?  Just at feedings or throughout the day. DD was always grabbing my cup, and lucky for me she started taking one with meals at 4 months. If you offer with meals and LO doesn't take it at first, that's ok - it's something new and takes time.

    I feel very overwhelmed with her feeding and bottle schedule... try to relax. You can always try something completely different from the norm, and "see" what happens. DD has 3 bottles a day, and 3 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner (sometimes a snack in there somewhere). It didn't happen over night, but it works for both of us. Good luck!!!

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  • I'm not much help on any of this except that we just started DS with a sippy cup and we have found that the Nuby ones with the silicone tops (more like a bottle, than a hard plastic cup) work better.  Our DC lady said that she usually sees more success with those as well.  HTH
  • Our DD's are pretty much the same age.  She gets 2 bottles while I'm at work (6 oz each) and I BF first thing in the morning and before bed.  I'd say she probably gets between 22 and 26 oz of BM every day.  She eats 2 solids a day - baby oatmeal w/fruit puree for breakfast (after first bottle - usually around 11 a.m.) and meat and veggie puree for dinner.  She also gets Cheerios and fresh fruit (cut up bananas, fruit cups with peaches or mandarin oranges) as a snack about an hour after her second bottle (bottle around 2, snack around 3).


    We started DD with a sippy cup when she was about 7 months old.  At first, she could only drink out of it when we held it for her.  She wouldn't even pick it up. Then at some point, she'd pick it up and put the mouth piece in her mouth and suck but wouldn't tip it up so she wouldn't get anything.  About 3 weeks ago, she started tipping it up and drinking out of it all by herself.  So it took quite a while!  We use the Avent sippy cups. 

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  • Everyone, thank you for your advice.  I don't know why I feel so freaked out about this.  I have tried like 4 different sippy cups. She totally refuses them, throws them or screams when I put it near her.  It's unbelievable!  Also, my friend asked me how I am doing phasing out bottles, and I think my mouth dropped.  I didn't hear of this before 12 months.   ::breathe:: breathe::
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