2nd Trimester

LO does not like loud movies

Last night, DH and I went to see a very loud movie. The theatre had the bass turned up so high that the water in my waterbottle was vibrating.

Up until now, I have only felt LO squirming around once or twice a day, but during the movie, he/she was turning somersaults the whole time. I actually had to leave halfway through, partly because I was so uncomfortable with all the squirming and partly because I was worried that LO was upset.

Has anyone else had this happen? I thought it was a little early for LO to be so sensitive to the outside world, but I guess not.

Re: LO does not like loud movies

  • I was out to dinner with my girlfriends at this restaurant that ended up turning into a lounge.. the music was reallyyy loud and baby boy was kicking up a storm! I think he liked it and was dancing. :)
    Lucas Edward | Aiden Anthony
                07.30.10          08.17.12           
  • I actually went to a concert last Weds. and I think when the music started it startled her, then she was fine. But there was no level particularly louder than the rest, so no obnoxious bass or anything like that. Definitely one of the better indoor concerts I've been to, luckily!

    Lilypie - (fjc0)

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  • lolclolc member
    I thought that the baby cannot hear much outside of the womb much before 26 weeks. It may have been feeling the vibrations from the bass.
    My Pinterest
    Mommy to 2 boys, ages 7 and 5 and a little girl who is 1.5
  • I thought it was early too, but then I thought that if my waterbottle was vibrating so violently that it might be possible for the fluid in my body to be vibrating too. I don't know if it was hearing with its ears or just reacting to the vibrations during crescendos and explosions. Whatever it was, it felt like a sack of baseballs rolling around in there.
  • Wow, this happened to me the other day too! I spent the entire two hours Kick Ass was playing with tears in my eyes because this is the most I have ever felt LO kick ever!  I didn't leave, it made me unreasonably happy. Of course I had a threatened m/c in the first trimester, so I just love getting kicked now. =)

    It's one thing for a baby development chart to tell you "It can hear you by this week", and quite another for IT to jump at a loud sound when YOU didn't! Love it!  I'm going to play music for it now!! 

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