How long is too long to cry?
I asked on other boards (mult and saif) and most people said their LOs cried less than an hour.. what if he cries 2 hours?
When you check on him do you move him back to the proper sleeping position in his crib?
last night he got all turned around and in weird positions.
I think that is it for now...I really want this to work, but I feel like I need to be more confident that we are doing everything right.
Re: DH and I are making our Ferber plan for tonight.. a few Q's if I may?
I've read 45 minutes tops. If he cries longer than that, then he actually needs something (comfort, food, diaper change, etc) - although hopefully you'll be able to tell that he needs one of those before the 45 minutes mark. DO NOT let him cry for 2 hours!
To be honest I didn't read the book. I read some online and did what I felt was right. We did our bedtime routine, put her down and left. We checked on her in 5 min intervals. 5 min, from start, 10 min from 5 min check, 15 min from 10 min check etc. We would go in and rub her head/tummy and say we love you, you are doing a great job etc. She fell asleep after her 25 minute check, so a total of maybe a little over an hour.
As far as adjusting sleeping position, I would leave LO alone unless it seems really uncomfortable. Maybe he is "getting comfy"
And as far as what's too long I really don't know, sorry. Good luck. It was the best thing we ever did
i agree. the only time i adjust/touch DS (other than to rub his back) is if he's sitting up. i lie him back down and say "it's time to go to bed. goodnight. i love you."
DD - February 2011
I've actually read the entire book cover to cover and looked it over many times, it doesn't say anything about how long is too long.
I'm just struggling because it seems like everyone else's baby goes to sleep after less than an hour.. and I don't see that happening for us. I don't know what to do if Ferber doesn't work - sleeping in bed with us isn't working.
Oh ok, I thought your were asking because you hadn't read it
You're right, I don't think it ever mentions how long is too long for them to cry. Which IMO means when they go to sleep they go to sleep. The first night we tried it, it took J 35 mins to fall asleep, the next night 18 mins. Hopefully it doesn't last very long for you. And I always just moved him to his back if he had rolled, etc...when I went to check on him.