Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Bob stroller vs. Baby jogger City elite?

We are going to have our first baby in early June. We are city people and just want one stroller for now due to space. We got the baby jogger city elite and now I am thinking the Bob stroller may be better. Any feedback on either? We would get the infant seat adaptor to snap in to either. 

Re: Bob stroller vs. Baby jogger City elite?

  • it depends if u r looking for a stroller you can run with.  you're not actually supposed to jog with the city stroller.  we have the city mini and the bob.  i live in nyc too.  the bob is a lot bigger than the city mini.  the city mini collapses super easily.
  • we live in chicago and looooove our city elite, although when ds was first born, a friend gave us her old snap n go to travel with and we ended up using that for the first few months since the carseat straps right into it and it has a large basket.  now that ds is out of his infant carrier, we use the city elite outdoors and a maclaren umbrella stroller for quick trips to the store since the elite is rather large.
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  • I have the City Elite and I love it for long walks.  I did have a snap and go for the car while he was in the infant seat.  I just bought an umbrella stroller for the car since the city elite is quite heavy (26 lbs) and bulky.  But for lots of walking on pavement and uneven surfaces the city elite is superb.
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