At what point do you worry about dehydration? He is acting normally, he just doesn't want to eat. He had about four bites of his breakfast which he usually loves (prunes and pears) but he's only had about 5.5oz since 7am this morning and he keeps turning his head away from the bottle. He's FF and nothing's changed.
He did eat last night but he usually does and he would normally eat more than this by now! I would guess he had maybe 6-7oz last night?
His sleep was also seriously disrupted last night- he woke about 8x instead of his usual 1-2x. He didn't want to eat most of the time- just wanted to be rocked back to sleep.
Re: Baby refuses bottle
He might just be having an "off" day. Don't you ever have days when you're just "not that hungry"? As long as he still has wet diapers and makes tears if he cries, he is fine.
If he doesn't have diarrhea and ate normally yesterday, he wouldn't be dehydrated for awhile. Give him a couple of hours, I'm sure he'll be just fine.
We have been having a problem with DD refusing her bottle for a couple of weeks now, but somehow we have managed to still get her to take around 20 oz a day. However, today has been the worst thus far. She took 4 oz when she woke up for the day and we could only get her to take 1 oz at her last bottle. I know she isn't dehydrated b/c she is drooling up a storm and she is also taking all of her solids and water from her sippy.
I am just so confused. I've never head of a baby not wanting their bottle at all.
I am planning on calling the pedi in the a.m.
Good luck to you ... I'll let you know what I find out ...