Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Mommies of 9 month olds

My DS just turned 9 months old on the 15th. I was just wondering what your babies are doing at this point as far as milestones. I'm starting to get worried that mine is lagging a little behind or is just plain lazy. Just curious.
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Re: Mommies of 9 month olds

  • Mine is a bit lazy - that is, she's refusing to hold her bottle, and has no interest in walking.

    However, she's been crawling since 7 months, can sit up by herself, can pull herself up easily, and if she's holding on to furniture, she attempts to walk. 

  • Do you have a 9 month well visit with your pedi?  They should be able to assess milestones for you.

    C isn't crawling, standing, or walking yet.  He's seems to be on the far end of the curve for some gross motor but the pedi isn't worried so neither are we. 

    Try not to compare too much to other babies - many milestones have a HUGE range of normal.  Also, just because one baby crawls at the beginning of that range and the other crawls at the end of that range, it doesn't mean they will always be ahead/behind with other milestones. 

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  • DS crawls, pulls up, and cruises all over the place. He gets into sitting from stnding or from lying down. He babbles a ton but doesn't say specific words.

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • DD will be 10 months next week, but I wanted to respond because I felt the same way as you a few weeks ago. All of my friends' babies were doing so much more than DD. She had no interest in moving at all, and although she could scoot all over the place, she would not move forward. Then in the past 2 days she has been pulling herself forward on the ground, and last night she crawled on her hands and knees a couple of times. She got herself into a sitting position last week as well. She has yet to pull up, and she can sometimes walk holding our hands, but doesn't like to. She "talks" a lot (babbling), but she's a little behind on the gross motor milestones. But our pedi wasn't worried, and like I said, she seems to have taken off just this week. So try not to worry too much... it will all happen! Every baby is different!
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  • We weren't supposed to have a 9 month appt but I scheduled one just to check on things. He's not pulling up, crawling, or saying mama or dada. He does talk all the time but just lala and baba. He's not anywhere near crawling.
  • DD says mama, dada, uh-oh, ba-ba; she claps, waves hi/bye, blows raspberries; sits, pulls to stand, starting to cruise, walks while holding our hands; rolls all over; does NOT crawl though; holds her bottle; uses pincer grasp; feeds herself table foods/puffs
    Camryn Grace ~ July 6th, 2009 ~ 7lbs 9oz, 20.5" Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
    Brayden Richard Drew ~ December 20, 2010~7lbs 9oz, 20" Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageTimsMayBride:

    Do you have a 9 month well visit with your pedi?  They should be able to assess milestones for you.

    C isn't crawling, standing, or walking yet.  He's seems to be on the far end of the curve for some gross motor but the pedi isn't worried so neither are we. 

    Try not to compare too much to other babies - many milestones have a HUGE range of normal.  Also, just because one baby crawls at the beginning of that range and the other crawls at the end of that range, it doesn't mean they will always be ahead/behind with other milestones. 

    Your baby sounds just like mine. N has no intentions of crawling or standing up on his own at this point. He will stand for a long period of time if I put him in the standing position holding on to something. However, he, himself, will not pull himself up to stand. Crawling, forget about it. He doesn't even know where to begin with that. He does love his walker....he will run like a madman in it, and has great sense of direction. He isn't clapping yet, nor is he waving. He's nowhere near feeding himself anything...we are practicing on that this week.

    As for playtime, he loves to play with his toys when he's by himself. However, if he has a playdate, he will just sit there and watch (actually stare at) the other baby play. He's very observant around others. He likes to just sit and watch....very intently.

    He does babble alot and has started to associate dada with my husband. He will actually out for him.

    I know I shouldn't compare him to others, but yesterday I took him to play with my cousin's baby (which is 6 weeks younger than him) and she was sooo much more advanced than him.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Natalie pushes herself backwards, gets up on all fours and rocks and wiggles legs, does downward facing dog - lol!, her pincer grasp is coming along nicely, does some finger foods, is starting to drink from a cup if I hold it, will not hold bottle, lots of vowel sounds, some ma, da, ba, ga, sounds, no hard consonants, yet, hasn't figured out how to pull forward or crawl!

     Gross motor skills are such a range at these ages, but fine motor skill milestones tend to be more of something babies hit around the same times.   

  • imagetumpkin:

    Do you have a 9 month well visit with your pedi?  They should be able to assess milestones for you.

    C isn't crawling, standing, or walking yet.  He's seems to be on the far end of the curve for some gross motor but the pedi isn't worried so neither are we. 

    Try not to compare too much to other babies - many milestones have a HUGE range of normal.  Also, just because one baby crawls at the beginning of that range and the other crawls at the end of that range, it doesn't mean they will always be ahead/behind with other milestones. 

    Your baby sounds just like mine. N has no intentions of crawling or standing up on his own at this point. He will stand for a long period of time if I put him in the standing position holding on to something. However, he, himself, will not pull himself up to stand. Crawling, forget about it. He doesn't even know where to begin with that. He does love his walker....he will run like a madman in it, and has great sense of direction. He isn't clapping yet, nor is he waving. He's nowhere near feeding himself anything...we are practicing on that this week.

    As for playtime, he loves to play with his toys when he's by himself. However, if he has a playdate, he will just sit there and watch (actually stare at) the other baby play. He's very observant around others. He likes to just sit and watch....very intently.

    He does babble alot and has started to associate dada with my husband. He will actually out for him.

    I know I shouldn't compare him to others, but yesterday I took him to play with my cousin's baby (which is 6 weeks younger than him) and she was sooo much more advanced than him.

    Play groups are hard sometimes for us too.  At our most recent one, he was only one baby of two not crawling (out of 12 total) and is also one of the oldest.  I had to remind myself not to compare but it's hard, esecially since the entire discussion at the group seems to center around what everyone is doing!


  • imageTimsMayBride:

    Do you have a 9 month well visit with your pedi?  They should be able to assess milestones for you.

    C isn't crawling, standing, or walking yet.  He's seems to be on the far end of the curve for some gross motor but the pedi isn't worried so neither are we. 

    Try not to compare too much to other babies - many milestones have a HUGE range of normal.  Also, just because one baby crawls at the beginning of that range and the other crawls at the end of that range, it doesn't mean they will always be ahead/behind with other milestones. 

    Your baby sounds just like mine. N has no intentions of crawling or standing up on his own at this point. He will stand for a long period of time if I put him in the standing position holding on to something. However, he, himself, will not pull himself up to stand. Crawling, forget about it. He doesn't even know where to begin with that. He does love his walker....he will run like a madman in it, and has great sense of direction. He isn't clapping yet, nor is he waving. He's nowhere near feeding himself anything...we are practicing on that this week.

    As for playtime, he loves to play with his toys when he's by himself. However, if he has a playdate, he will just sit there and watch (actually stare at) the other baby play. He's very observant around others. He likes to just sit and watch....very intently.

    He does babble alot and has started to associate dada with my husband. He will actually out for him.

    I know I shouldn't compare him to others, but yesterday I took him to play with my cousin's baby (which is 6 weeks younger than him) and she was sooo much more advanced than him.

    Play groups are hard sometimes for us too.  At our most recent one, he was only one baby of two not crawling (out of 12 total) and is also one of the oldest.  I had to remind myself not to compare but it's hard, esecially since the entire discussion at the group seems to center around what everyone is doing!


    Same thing with mine. That's why I stopped going to Gymboree. It was only depressing me even more.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • DS is beginning to crawl forward, but only one or two "steps" at a time.  He can go backwards, sit up on his own, roll, feed himself, is trying to pull up.  He says dadadada and mamamamama and nananana and is on the verge of making a raspberry.

    I think he is a little behind but I am not worried.  In the past two weeks he's made immense strides!  I am getting ready for a really mobile baby. I am glad he didn't start crawling at 6 months like my friend's baby...I wasn't ready then!

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  • He is crawling, will get one leg up into bent knee position, but not the other one, he holds his bottle...
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  • My LO (Noah) is crawling like a madman, pulling up and crusing, and eating finger foods at dinner and for snacks.  He doesn't have any interest in holding his own bottles or using a sippy....that is unless he's just playing with them or teething on them.

    He has three bottom teeth and no top teeth.  He just started to *kind of* wave and he claps his hands together.  So far no audible words, but he babbles a lot.

  • B has no interest in crawling.  In fact, he prefers to sit and play rather than lying on his tummy and trying to get some practice moving that way.  He will kind of pull himself sideways when he's on his tummy but I don't think he realizes he's doing it.  If he's on the wood floor he'll sit and push himself backwards, but again, I don't think he realizes he can use this to get himself places.  He can't pull himself up onto anything but is so proud of himself when we stand him up at his bigger toys and he plays with us balancing him. 

    He talks all.the.time.  Babbles constantly!  I think he's at the verge of putting together saying dada to dada.  We were working on that this morning.  He's no where near saying mama.  He does a lot of sounds with b's and d's.  

    He's gotten really good at feeding himself.  We give him almost everything and he can handle a lot of different textures and sizes.  He's really getting good at perfecting his pincher grasp (which he demonstrated on DH's nipple this morning, lol).  

  • imagefredalina:

    The only thing that concerns me about D is that she hasn't progressed any in months (physically anyway).  She was SO far ahead of the curve before about 6 months, doing everything early.  She started crawling at 5 1/2 months, was already pulling up and cruising before that, learned to sit from a crawl pretty soon after that, too.  She's done verbal things, but in basically 5 months she hasn't progressed much at all except just to become *better* at the things she already did.

    Now at 10.5 months, she still won't stand without holding something, and shows no interest in walking.  If something is even one step away, she'll drop down into a sit and then crawl over to it and then stand again.

    This is exactly what I was talking about!  C was also ahead of the curve in gross motor early on - he first rolled at 5 weeks!  I was reading recently that just because they do one milestone very early doesn't mean at all that it's expected for them to do other milestones early, or even average, as long as they're still in that range of normal.  This article also emphasized not pigeonholing kids that develop quickly in one are (say, gross motor) and less quickly in another (like verbal).  Sometimes I find myself saying "Well he's not much of a crawler but he's so verbal!" and I think that mindset can backfire.

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