Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Thanks Ladies

I found some great prices online for car seats and might be able to get a britax afterall. Dh and i are going to go to a couple stores tomorrow and check out the gracco and britax and then order from

Thanks for the help!! 

My beautiful redhead Lily Anne (3.5yrs)

Re: Thanks Ladies

  • LVilaLVila member

    Did you see my response to your page? 


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  • i did, thank you, i'll let you know how it goes :)
    My beautiful redhead Lily Anne (3.5yrs)
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  • LVilaLVila member
    Good :o) I love good deals. We wouldn't have had a Britax either, but I found a girl print on clearance. I ended up spending $150! 
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  • we want to keep it blue and green or neutral colors like everything else we have so that if our next child is a boy, and the carseat expiration isn't up by then, then we don't have to buy another of all these things. Everything for her nursery is blue, green, yellow, and white, except a couple blankets are pink and lavender, and every peice of clothing is pink or lavendar. 
    My beautiful redhead Lily Anne (3.5yrs)
  • i hate when this stupid laptop thinks i'm done before i am....I have never been to that site before and can't waity to go back to it after dd goes to bed and looks at everything else it has!!!
    My beautiful redhead Lily Anne (3.5yrs)
  • LVilaLVila member

    We thought about that, but DD is such a peanut that I think this Marathon will last her a long time. We'll have another ready for a car seat before she outgrows the Marathon.  Britax also sells replacement covers, so if we do change our minds, we can order one of those. 

    I've had really good luck with Good shipping and great prices. I haven't actually ordered from Albeebaby, but a lot of my friends have and recommend it.  

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