2nd Trimester

just a random one

Im bored..DH is watching boring movie, son is in bed.. and im surfing the net so heres a random question

How many of you were married before babies?

(before it starts a debate thats not my intention, i dont believe anyway is the wrong way, i myself was NOT married when we had our first but we'd been together for 6 years. our son was the ring bearer at our wedding, so cute in a tux lol)

Re: just a random one

  • We were married for 2 years and together for 8 years.   
  • Not married, certainly won't be before she's born in September, and doubt I'll be getting married anytime soon :)
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  • Married for 4yrs before getting PG with DD #1.
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  • I was two months pregnant when we got married. The pregnancy was planned though.

    We had planned to get married this summer and then start our family, but a sudden deployment killed those plans. We decided that 1) we would just get married before he left and 2) we would start trying for a baby asap. I'm 35 and we didn't want to wait another whole year before starting to try since we just didn't know if it was going to be a difficult process for us or not. We were exceptionally fortunate and are so thankful that we've been able to get our family started without having to wait until he gets home from Iraq.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We were not married, when we got pregnant with our first baby. ( We had only been dating for about 3 months) We lost her at 17 weeks of pregnancy.  With ds, we were married for 3 months, and then we got pregnant again.
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  • I was married before I got pregnant. I also didn't live with my husband until after we got married. 

  • I got pregnant the week after my honeymoon. :D
  • My husband and I have been together about 5 years. We were together for two years when I had DS. We got married right before he was two. He have been married a year next month. 
  • We were married for a month and a half when I got pregnant!

    image imageimage

    Always in my heart: BFP 9/6/12 - M/C 9/25/12
  • We were married for a year and a couple months when I finally got pregnant! We had been trying since we got married.



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We were just barely married :) Our wedding was in early August '08 and I got a BFP with DD about 6 weeks after.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Married 2 years before trying.  By the time our little guy is born we will be almost to our 3 year anniversary.
    BFP #1 - 9/26/09 MC/D&C - 10/23/09 BFP#2 - 12/18/09 STICK BABY STICK!!! Caden Arthur born 8/2/2010 @ 9:00PM - 37 weeks BFP #3 - 7/6/12 Caden is going to be a big brother! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker MY BLOG
  • We were together for 5 1/2 years and married for 3 months when i got BFP.

    Lilypie - (yNYF)

    Lilypie - (bSes)

    T1 diabetes diagnosed 11/95 due to severe pancreatic injury
    BFP 1 1/22/10 EDD 9/30/10 Adria b. 9/11/10 d.8/9/11, Transposition of the Great Arteries,
    Pleural effusion, Kidney Failure
    BFP 2 4/26/12 EDD 1/3/13 M/C 5/13/12
    BFP 3 10/3/12 EDD 6/17/13 Twins! Preston and Juliet b. 5/22/13






  • We will be married for four and together for nine... wow that looks a lot longer when you write it out Surprise

  • We were together for 6 and a half years, and married for my 5 and a half months when we got our BFP!!
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Married for over 7 years before trying.
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  • We were married for 1 year and 3 months when we got our BFP, but have been together for 5 years and 3 months at BFP.
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  • DD is from a previous relationship and I was not married. With DH and I, we were married November 8th and I got pregnant the week of our honeymoon!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I wasn't married when I had my first. DH wasn't married when he had his first. BUT...we were married to each other before we got pregnant with this one.

    Lilypie - (fjc0)

  • We were married for 15 months before we started trying and finally got pregnant just before our 2nd anniversary.
    Anniversary Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

    ~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
    ~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
    ~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
    ~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
  • Not married. We have no plans to rush and get married before she is here either. A wedding will happen, just not now.
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  • We were together for 7 years and married for a little over 2 before we started trying. We'll be married just over 3 when he is born.
  • LCB34LCB34 member
    We will be married over 3 years and together almost 7 when we have this baby (our first).
  • Married for 4 years exactly...this baby was conceived on our anniversary. :-)
  • Married over 2 years, together for 5 years, and known each other for 14 years.
  • Our daughter was 7 months old at our wedding. We were planning a huge wedding and got pregnant with her. I didn't want to be pregnant at our wedding, so we waited and downsized.  We've been together for over 5 years now and married going on 2 years in August. I wouldn't have it any other way.

     Oh and for fun, here's my daughter and I on the day of the wedding. :)


    Gosh, I just love her.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We've known each other for 5 years, been together for 3.5 years, married for 7 months, got pregnant the month after we got married.
    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
  • imageFutureMrs.Brady:

    Our daughter was 7 months old at our wedding. We were planning a huge wedding and got pregnant with her. I didn't want to be pregnant at our wedding, so we waited and downsized.  We've been together for over 5 years now and married going on 2 years in August. I wouldn't have it any other way.

     Oh and for fun, here's my daughter and I on the day of the wedding. :)


    Gosh, I just love her.

    I LOVE this! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageshellyxo:

    I was married before I got pregnant. I also didn't live with my husband until after we got married. 

    same here - although he does have a son from a previous relationship (he lives with us).
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  • DH and I got engaged last March, got BFP in November, and got married this past February. I was 20 weeks pregnant at our wedding.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We were in a situation close to the OP.  We were not married but together for a while.  Our daughter was the flower girl at our wedding.  We have been married for 3 years now and expecting our 2nd.
  • We've known eachother for 13 years, were best friends, dated for 3 months, engaged for 3 months, and have been married for a little over 7 years now. Baby #1 is finally on the way after 5 years of trying. :) 
  • Me lol. By the time LO is born we will have been married for 3 1/2 years. We've known each other for nearly 9 years though :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Married almost two years doesn't make a diff to me if parents or married or not but certainly has made the grandparents that this will be the first grandchild born in wedlock lol
  • This baby is coming right after 12 years of togetherness, 9.5 years of marriage. 8 months into marriage we got pregnant & had a m/c.
  • imagegirlintheworld:
    Married for 4 years exactly...this baby was conceived on our anniversary. :-)


    Same here but on our 1st anniversary:) 

  • We were married for 5 months before we got pregnant.
    image image

  • we were - this is our first and we married in 2005 - been together since 2001 - we are very excited for this little guy!
  • we married first before we got pregnant... at least a year and 2 months before we got pregnant..


    waiting a year was not a choice, deployed so we had to wait a year 

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  • yes married...we got pregnant right away as our ages pretty much told us we had to.  LOL  We were together 4 years before we were married.
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