2nd Trimester

Horrible headaches...


My headaches seemed to have gotten a lot worse since I entered the 2nd tri. Especially the last couple of days... the are constant! I take naps, use a heating pad, switch to a cold compress, absolutely no relief. I do plan on calling my dr. on Monday to see what else I can do, but in the meanwhile.....

Anyone else, constant severe headaches? What do you do for some relief, per your dr? Thanks!


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Re: Horrible headaches...

  • my headaches have been constant too.  I have tried Tylenol, coffee, drinking more water etc.  I thought it might be blood pressure related but my b/p is normal.

    I asked the OB about this on Friday and he said it should subside by 24 weeks if it doesnt he will look further into it.  Sorry no help here either.

  • Same here. Tylenol and caffeine have provided little relief, I really hoping they go away soon, without these headaches I honestly would feel great! Sad
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  • I have the same issue and my Dr. prescribed something.  Works like a charm!
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  • imagea.bartholomew:
    I have the same issue and my Dr. prescribed something.  Works like a charm!

    My 2nd tri headaches were practically the end of me so I feel for you.  Like this poster, my doctor gave me a prescription.  It's Fioricet and worked like a charm.  Just to let you know, mine went away around 23 weeks but in the last week have come back :( 

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • i'm having the same issues.

    I've tried tylenol and caffeine. I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor which has helped tremendously. It takes 2 or 3 visits, but definitely worth it.


    When I called the ob office, they told me it sounded like my sugar was getting low in the evenings and to eat a protein snack before bed. ?? Didn't help for me, but maybe for others.

    good luck!

  • I've been having severe headaches as well. Tylenol doesn't seem to do much for me, but I've been having a small bit of caffeine, like earl grey or green tea and they seem to subside for a while. I never drank caffeine before I was pregnant so coffee really jacks me up but the tea works nicely. I have a friend who is about 28w pregnant and she has chiari malformation which causes her to have horrible headaches as well, the Dr perscribed Fiorecet, it helps her a great deal and I believe its non narcotic as well.Good luck, I hope you feel better!
  • Three times I have had a headache last 3 days. I haven't taken anything for them, just tried minimal activity end to sleep them off. BP was fine so I chalk them up to sinuses.
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