My headaches seemed to have gotten a lot worse since I entered the 2nd tri. Especially the last couple of days... the are constant! I take naps, use a heating pad, switch to a cold compress, absolutely no relief. I do plan on calling my dr. on Monday to see what else I can do, but in the meanwhile.....
Anyone else, constant severe headaches? What do you do for some relief, per your dr? Thanks!
Re: Horrible headaches...
my headaches have been constant too. I have tried Tylenol, coffee, drinking more water etc. I thought it might be blood pressure related but my b/p is normal.
I asked the OB about this on Friday and he said it should subside by 24 weeks if it doesnt he will look further into it. Sorry no help here either.
My 2nd tri headaches were practically the end of me so I feel for you. Like this poster, my doctor gave me a prescription. It's Fioricet and worked like a charm. Just to let you know, mine went away around 23 weeks but in the last week have come back
i'm having the same issues.
I've tried tylenol and caffeine. I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor which has helped tremendously. It takes 2 or 3 visits, but definitely worth it.
When I called the ob office, they told me it sounded like my sugar was getting low in the evenings and to eat a protein snack before bed. ?? Didn't help for me, but maybe for others.
good luck!