Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Constipation remedies

DD hasn't pooped in 4 days and is miserable. I called the pedi and tried the warm bath, bicycling her legs, thermometer in the bum tricks, but have not tried the glycerin suppositories or dark karo in her bottle. Which one works better or should I try the karo and glycerin suppositories together?

Re: Constipation remedies

  • i don't know about the karo or suppositories but we have given apple juice or prunes in the past.
  • Prunes. Watered down apple juice.

    Glycerin suppositories on it's own should work within 30 minutes if not sooner. And be warned, it will be poo city.

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  • I would try some pear juice first...
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  • LVilaLVila member

    I'm pretty sure the Karo is a no-no now.

    I would add a little bit of 100% prune juice to a bottle. That's what my Dr. suggested if we had issues. It only takes a small amount in an infant, though. 2 ounces-ish. 

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  • I'd try prune juice first.  You can put a splash in the formula/BM, or give a splash with water.  You can also try prune puree.

    Glycerin suppositories work best - within just a few minutes.  It's not the most comfortable thing for either of you, but it clears everything out quickly.  

  • Dumb question, but once I put the suppository in, do I have time to put the diaper back on her or will it be poo time immediately! Just wondering how I need to dress us for this fiasco!
  • aciaacia member

    Is your baby breast fed or formula fed, or is she on solids yet?

    If she's not on solids, I don't know if she could really be "constipated," could she???

    If she is on solids, I'd try prune or pear juice or puree.

    When DD hadn't gone in a week, when we first started solids, I used a glycerin suppository after trying everything else because she was just SO uncomfortable. It worked within about 2 minutes. I just lay her on the ground with an old towel under her, opened her diaper, and stuck it up her butt. She didn't even really know what was going on... Within a minute or so she made her "pooping" face, so I lifted her legs gently and she just pooped into the open diaper.

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  • imageacia:

    Is your baby breast fed or formula fed, or is she on solids yet?

    If she's not on solids, I don't know if she could really be "constipated," could she???

    If she is on solids, I'd try prune or pear juice or puree.

    When DD hadn't gone in a week, when we first started solids, I used a glycerin suppository after trying everything else because she was just SO uncomfortable. It worked within about 2 minutes. I just lay her on the ground with an old towel under her, opened her diaper, and stuck it up her butt. She didn't even really know what was going on... Within a minute or so she made her "pooping" face, so I lifted her legs gently and she just pooped into the open diaper.

    She is EBF and we started solids a week ago.  

  • imagealybookgirl:

    Is your baby breast fed or formula fed, or is she on solids yet?

    If she's not on solids, I don't know if she could really be "constipated," could she???

    If she is on solids, I'd try prune or pear juice or puree.

    When DD hadn't gone in a week, when we first started solids, I used a glycerin suppository after trying everything else because she was just SO uncomfortable. It worked within about 2 minutes. I just lay her on the ground with an old towel under her, opened her diaper, and stuck it up her butt. She didn't even really know what was going on... Within a minute or so she made her "pooping" face, so I lifted her legs gently and she just pooped into the open diaper.

    She is EBF and we started solids a week ago.  

    Starting solids is most likely the culprit then. Happened to us too!

    I now just keep prunes handy and give 1/2 a container every 3-4 days or so to keep him regular. GL

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  • prunes work great (but be ready for a mess).  I also dilute a little juice with water for DS sometimes too.
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  • aciaacia member

    prunes work great (but be ready for a mess).  I also dilute a little juice with water for DS sometimes too.

    I'm amazed at how many people prunes works for!! It didn't seem to work for DD at all. Our doctor also recommended giving a bit of water (even though DD was EBF) along with prunes on a regular basis to keep her regular. We did both these things and after 8 days of no poop, we just went for the glycerin.

    Good luck!

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  • We have been battling constipation since DS started stage 2 foods.  We do prunes, pears and apple , pear or prune juice.  I need to find the right combo, prunes every other day or a little juice every day.  I think the juice works better for us than the prunes. Good luck!
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