Babies: 9 - 12 Months

when you die...

What do you think happens when you die?

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Re: when you die...

  • I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angel would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

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  • I believe if I'm good I go to heaven :) just the typical christian beliefs. Actually I'm a latter day saint, so a little more in depth than that, but It would be a little too deep to type out all here :) haha.(

    I just like to believe that SOMETHING happens, and something good at that, It makes the thought of death so much easier for me. I figure better to think it's actually a beautiful and happy thing than to be terrified and perpetually saddened by all those who have already passed away aound me :) 

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  • imagebrownmouse:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angel would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

  • I have no idea, and although I am religious I don't think about this on a regular basis or try to figure it out.
  • I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
  • imagesammiekc:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

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  • imagebrownmouse:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    I was taught that God made Angels (just like everything else) and they are his helpers.

  • imagebrownmouse:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    God created angels. People do not become angels. Satan used to be an angel, but he thought he was more powerful than God, so he "fell from grace," and went to hell.

  • imagesammiekc:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    I was taught that God made Angels (just like everything else) and they are his helpers.


    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    God created angels. People do not become angels. Satan used to be an angel, but he thought he was more powerful than God, so he "fell from grace," and went to hell.

    Oh, I didn't know that. But to me, that doesn't seem fair... The angels don't get to live their own lives, and have the free will that we all partake in, and such here on earth? Their entire purpose is to be a servant to God? Talk about the short end of the stick...

    Don't get me wrong(and I'm not trying to be offensive at all),  but I would feel, if I were "born" an angel that I was being denied something great by not getting to live a life on earth, and getting to make my own choices and follow my own path....

    That's kinda sad...

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  • imageStrawberryBlondeMomma:
    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.


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  • imagebrownmouse:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    I was taught that God made Angels (just like everything else) and they are his helpers.


    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    God created angels. People do not become angels. Satan used to be an angel, but he thought he was more powerful than God, so he "fell from grace," and went to hell.

    Oh, I didn't know that. But to me, that doesn't seem fair... The angels don't get to live their own lives, and have the free will that we all partake in, and such here on earth? Their entire purpose is to be a servant to God? Talk about the short end of the stick...

    Don't get me wrong(and I'm not trying to be offensive at all),  but I would feel, if I were "born" an angel that I was being denied something great by not getting to live a life on earth, and getting to make my own choices and follow my own path....

    That's kinda sad...

    A life on Earth is NOTHING compared to a life in Heaven!  

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  • imageJules G:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    I was taught that God made Angels (just like everything else) and they are his helpers.


    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    God created angels. People do not become angels. Satan used to be an angel, but he thought he was more powerful than God, so he "fell from grace," and went to hell.

    Oh, I didn't know that. But to me, that doesn't seem fair... The angels don't get to live their own lives, and have the free will that we all partake in, and such here on earth? Their entire purpose is to be a servant to God? Talk about the short end of the stick...

    Don't get me wrong(and I'm not trying to be offensive at all),  but I would feel, if I were "born" an angel that I was being denied something great by not getting to live a life on earth, and getting to make my own choices and follow my own path....

    That's kinda sad...

    A life on Earth is NOTHING compared to a life in Heaven!  


  • imageJules G:

    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    I was taught that God made Angels (just like everything else) and they are his helpers.


    I believe that no one(not I, or you, any anyone) can possibly know what will happen when they die, except those who have already died.

    But if I were to guess, reincarnation seems to make the most sense to me. It would seem a waste to only get to live one life and then spend the rest of eternity(how ever long that is...) in this perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens, and everything is shiny and happy, and the same all. the. time.. Seems so boring...

     But really, what I'd *like* to believe, is that whatever you believe happens after death, will happen for you(as the ultimate "Yay you did a good job, now here is this awesome ending to a good story"). For example: Christans who believe in Heaven and angels would become an angel and go to Heaven. Buddhists who believe in reincarnation would be continually reincarnated as something else. And so and and so forth. Sounds nice to me. Then everyone gets what they want.

    But really, I don't "believe" anything. Whatever happens, happens. At this point, anything could happen, so I just plan to go with the flow.

    You don't become an Angel. That doesn't make any sense.

    Where do angels supposedly come from then? Honestly, I am not Christian,  and so I don't actually know all the details of how that is supposed to work. If people do not become angels when they die, then where to angels come from?

    (Not being snarky, actually curious)

    God created angels. People do not become angels. Satan used to be an angel, but he thought he was more powerful than God, so he "fell from grace," and went to hell.

    Oh, I didn't know that. But to me, that doesn't seem fair... The angels don't get to live their own lives, and have the free will that we all partake in, and such here on earth? Their entire purpose is to be a servant to God? Talk about the short end of the stick...

    Don't get me wrong(and I'm not trying to be offensive at all),  but I would feel, if I were "born" an angel that I was being denied something great by not getting to live a life on earth, and getting to make my own choices and follow my own path....

    That's kinda sad...

    A life on Earth is NOTHING compared to a life in Heaven!  

    But that is your opinion. While one person might see life on Earth as a life with saddness and hardship and obstacles compared to a perfect life with nothing bu beuty and happiness in Heaven, another might see a life on Earth with saddness and hardship and obstacles as a challenge and just as much a good part of life as the beauty and happiness a life on Earth has.

    My life is full of challenges, and I cherish those moments just as much as the good ones, because they make me a stronger person.

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  • I believe if I'm good I go to heaven :) just the typical christian beliefs. Actually I'm a latter day saint, so a little more in depth than that, but It would be a little too deep to type out all here :) haha.(

    I just like to believe that SOMETHING happens, and something good at that, It makes the thought of death so much easier for me. I figure better to think it's actually a beautiful and happy thing than to be terrified and perpetually saddened by all those who have already passed away aound me :)



    That is not what Christians believe...FYI. We believe that grace, not good works, gets you to heaven.

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  • imageStrawberryBlondeMomma:
    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
    This. God is pure and holy and cannot be with us because we have sin (starting with Adam & Eve and the fall of man). God sent his son to pay the price for that sin (because he has perfect justice and if we got what we deserved, we'd go to hell). Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our saviour will have his blood to cover our sin and we will spend an eternity in relationship with God in Heaven. God created us so he knows exactly the kind of heaven we will all love (but don't even have the capability to imagine at this point). It will never be boring because he created it with us in mind. He loves us and wants a relationship with us and that's why he sent his son to pay our price. He gives us free will to choose a relationship with him or not because what good is a relationship that you are forced into. He wants us to choose him. He is a loving god but he also has perfect justice. He has told us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him (Jesus).
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  • Well...nothing happens really.

    You decompose or are ashes. 

    What you believe won't really matter then b/c you'll be dead.

    But up until we die, we can believe whatever we wish.

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  • imagebrownmouse:

    But that is your opinion. While one person might see life on Earth as a life with saddness and hardship and obstacles compared to a perfect life with nothing bu beuty and happiness in Heaven, another might see a life on Earth with saddness and hardship and obstacles as a challenge and just as much a good part of life as the beauty and happiness a life on Earth has.

    My life is full of challenges, and I cherish those moments just as much as the good ones, because they make me a stronger person.


    if you believe in the Bible, which people who believe in heaven & angels obviously do, then you would also believe the scriptures that say that heaven is beyond anything imaginable in terms of beauty and happiness.

    so using that belief, heaven would be better than anything the people who live the happiest of lives on earth could imagine, and the angels would never feel short-changed because they already have the best thing imaginable. 

    i like to think that everyone's "heaven" is different...that is is your own particular perfect place.  no one else's is quite the same.

  • imagehellopoppyseed:
    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
    This. God is pure and holy and cannot be with us because we have sin (starting with Adam & Eve and the fall of man). God sent his son to pay the price for that sin (because he has perfect justice and if we got what we deserved, we'd go to hell). Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our saviour will have his blood to cover our sin and we will spend an eternity in relationship with God in Heaven. God created us so he knows exactly the kind of heaven we will all love (but don't even have the capability to imagine at this point). It will never be boring because he created it with us in mind. He loves us and wants a relationship with us and that's why he sent his son to pay our price. He gives us free will to choose a relationship with him or not because what good is a relationship that you are forced into. He wants us to choose him. He is a loving god but he also has perfect justice. He has told us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him (Jesus).

    To me, saying that Jesus payed the price for all of our sins, and we have but only to accept him as our savior in order to get a ticket into heaven seems like a copout. (And again, I mean no disrespect or offense)

    It seems like saying this is like saying that you do not have to take responsibility for each and every wrong you make, because as long as Jesus is your savior, you are fine in Gods eyes. That can't be right... 

    I really believe that if you do something wrong, you should have to face the consequences for your actions.

    Believe what you are to believe... but I just don't buy that...


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  • imagebrideofscowboy:

    Well...nothing happens really.

    You decompose or are ashes. 

    What you believe won't really matter then b/c you'll be dead.

    But up until we die, we can believe whatever we wish.

    I like this. Smile

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  • imagetigergreen:

    But that is your opinion. While one person might see life on Earth as a life with saddness and hardship and obstacles compared to a perfect life with nothing bu beuty and happiness in Heaven, another might see a life on Earth with saddness and hardship and obstacles as a challenge and just as much a good part of life as the beauty and happiness a life on Earth has.

    My life is full of challenges, and I cherish those moments just as much as the good ones, because they make me a stronger person.


    if you believe in the Bible, which people who believe in heaven & angels obviously do, then you would also believe the scriptures that say that heaven is beyond anything imaginable in terms of beauty and happiness.

    so using that belief, heaven would be better than anything the people who live the happiest of lives on earth could imagine, and the angels would never feel short-changed because they already have the best thing imaginable. 

    i like to think that everyone's "heaven" is different...that is is your own particular perfect place.  no one else's is quite the same.

    I agree with this.

    But as far as the other, I don't really agree. But that it just not necessarily what I believe in.. I still don't think that a life wihtout struggle really sounds that awesome. Struggle and hardship is what makes the good things in life sooooo good. I honestly wouldn't want to live a life where I never struggled with anything, even if it was a life of unimaginable beauty and happiness. Because I wouldn't have earned it.

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  • imagehellopoppyseed:
    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
    This. God is pure and holy and cannot be with us because we have sin (starting with Adam & Eve and the fall of man). God sent his son to pay the price for that sin (because he has perfect justice and if we got what we deserved, we'd go to hell). Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our saviour will have his blood to cover our sin and we will spend an eternity in relationship with God in Heaven. God created us so he knows exactly the kind of heaven we will all love (but don't even have the capability to imagine at this point). It will never be boring because he created it with us in mind. He loves us and wants a relationship with us and that's why he sent his son to pay our price. He gives us free will to choose a relationship with him or not because what good is a relationship that you are forced into. He wants us to choose him. He is a loving god but he also has perfect justice. He has told us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him (Jesus).

    perfect response :)

  • imagebrownmouse:

    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
    This. God is pure and holy and cannot be with us because we have sin (starting with Adam & Eve and the fall of man). God sent his son to pay the price for that sin (because he has perfect justice and if we got what we deserved, we'd go to hell). Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our saviour will have his blood to cover our sin and we will spend an eternity in relationship with God in Heaven. God created us so he knows exactly the kind of heaven we will all love (but don't even have the capability to imagine at this point). It will never be boring because he created it with us in mind. He loves us and wants a relationship with us and that's why he sent his son to pay our price. He gives us free will to choose a relationship with him or not because what good is a relationship that you are forced into. He wants us to choose him. He is a loving god but he also has perfect justice. He has told us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him (Jesus).

    To me, saying that Jesus payed the price for all of our sins, and we have but only to accept him as our savior in order to get a ticket into heaven seems like a copout. (And again, I mean no disrespect or offense)

    It seems like saying this is like saying that you do not have to take responsibility for each and every wrong you make, because as long as Jesus is your savior, you are fine in Gods eyes. That can't be right... 

    I really believe that if you do something wrong, you should have to face the consequences for your actions.

    Believe what you are to believe... but I just don't buy that...



    I agree.  That would be strange if we were not held accountable for our actions at all after accepting Jesus.  If you read the book of Revelation, you will see that we will still be accountable for our actions.  Here's something I found that explains it well:

    At the judgment seat of Christ, believers are rewarded based on how faithfully they served Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-272 Timothy 2:5). Some of the things we might be judged on are how well we obeyed the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), how victorious we were over sin (Romans 6:1-4), and how well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1-9). The Bible speaks of believers receiving crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-272 Timothy 2:5). The various crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:52 Timothy 4:8James 1:121 Peter 5:4, and Revelation 2:10James 1:12 is a good summary of how we should think about the judgment seat of Christ: ?Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.? 

     Our actions will not determine our destination.  If we have Christ as our savior, we will be in Heaven. But we will still be accountable for our actions on Earth.  Oh and you are not coming across as offensive at all.  You have good and understandable thoughts and questions.   

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  • imagehellopoppyseed:

    I am a Christian. I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ and been saved, you will go to Heaven. If not, you will spend eternity in hell.
    This. God is pure and holy and cannot be with us because we have sin (starting with Adam & Eve and the fall of man). God sent his son to pay the price for that sin (because he has perfect justice and if we got what we deserved, we'd go to hell). Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our saviour will have his blood to cover our sin and we will spend an eternity in relationship with God in Heaven. God created us so he knows exactly the kind of heaven we will all love (but don't even have the capability to imagine at this point). It will never be boring because he created it with us in mind. He loves us and wants a relationship with us and that's why he sent his son to pay our price. He gives us free will to choose a relationship with him or not because what good is a relationship that you are forced into. He wants us to choose him. He is a loving god but he also has perfect justice. He has told us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him (Jesus).

    To me, saying that Jesus payed the price for all of our sins, and we have but only to accept him as our savior in order to get a ticket into heaven seems like a copout. (And again, I mean no disrespect or offense)

    It seems like saying this is like saying that you do not have to take responsibility for each and every wrong you make, because as long as Jesus is your savior, you are fine in Gods eyes. That can't be right... 

    I really believe that if you do something wrong, you should have to face the consequences for your actions.

    Believe what you are to believe... but I just don't buy that...



    I agree.  That would be strange if we were not held accountable for our actions at all after accepting Jesus.  If you read the book of Revelation, you will see that we will still be accountable for our actions.  Here's something I found that explains it well:

    At the judgment seat of Christ, believers are rewarded based on how faithfully they served Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-272 Timothy 2:5). Some of the things we might be judged on are how well we obeyed the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), how victorious we were over sin (Romans 6:1-4), and how well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1-9). The Bible speaks of believers receiving crowns for different things based on how faithfully they served Christ (1 Corinthians 9:4-272 Timothy 2:5). The various crowns are described in 2 Timothy 2:52 Timothy 4:8James 1:121 Peter 5:4, and Revelation 2:10James 1:12 is a good summary of how we should think about the judgment seat of Christ: ?Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.? 

     Our actions will not determine our destination.  If we have Christ as our savior, we will be in Heaven. But we will still be accountable for our actions on Earth.  Oh and you are not coming across as offensive at all.  You have good and understandable thoughts and questions.   

    I have to applaud you on this response. A lot of Christians(and other religious people, we're just currently speaking on Christianity) will tell you up and down how you have to this and this and this to go to Heaven, and how if you do this and this, you go to Hell. But most(that I spoken to anyways) cannot actually tell you where in the Bible(or other "teachings"/scripture) it is said. So thank you for siting your sources. Smile

    It makes a little more sense that there would be different levels of Heaven(in your example "crowns", for the people in the Mormon(LDS) religion it's Kingdoms(Celestial, Telestial, etc)) for people wwho lived different lives. But It still to me does not make total sense that Jesus would have died for our sins. I understand the story behind it, I just don't think it really makes sense.. Why would someone being brutally abused and hung on a cross until he died be payment for the sins of an entire world? Why couldn't each person just be expected to live their lives the way that they choose, and then ultimately pay the full price for their wrong doings? Rather than living their lives, and only paying a partial tax on their sins because someone else stepped in and payed part of it already....

    I don't think it will ever make sense to me...

    But I understand why(in general) people hold the beliefs they do. It is something to cling to, something to hold dear to your heart, and know in times of struggle that there is something good waiting for you. A light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, and not just rotton flesh buried underneathe a bunch of dirt in a graveyard.

    And I'm glad I havn't come off ass offensive. It's not exactly easy to get a good sense of intent or emotion over the internet. I have my beliefs(or choose not to believe anything) and you have yours. That doesn't mean I can't be curious about your(and others) beliefs.


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  • Kudos for calm debate!  (And Im with you BM, it doesnt all make sense to me either.)

  • BrownMouse

    Sounds like you have a lot of good questions.  If you'd like more answers, there are several good sources.  You can watch "The Case for Christ" on or read "Mere Christianity," by C.S. Lewis.  Both authors were choosing not to believe anything before conducting their own research.  

    I encourage you in your curiosity and think it's important that you get answers to all of your questions.  I have had many of these same questions and interests about world religions.  I have ultimately found that Christianity stands alone.   

    I just noticed that you have the quote in your siggy that I noticed a while back and I told dh about it.  That is such an accurate description of how I feel now as a mother!

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  • imagebrownmouse:

    I have to applaud you on this response. A lot of Christians(and other religious people, we're just currently speaking on Christianity) will tell you up and down how you have to this and this and this to go to Heaven, and how if you do this and this, you go to Hell. But most(that I spoken to anyways) cannot actually tell you where in the Bible(or other "teachings"/scripture) it is said. So thank you for siting your sources. Smile

    It makes a little more sense that there would be different levels of Heaven(in your example "crowns", for the people in the Mormon(LDS) religion it's Kingdoms(Celestial, Telestial, etc)) for people wwho lived different lives. But It still to me does not make total sense that Jesus would have died for our sins. I understand the story behind it, I just don't think it really makes sense.. Why would someone being brutally abused and hung on a cross until he died be payment for the sins of an entire world? Why couldn't each person just be expected to live their lives the way that they choose, and then ultimately pay the full price for their wrong doings? Rather than living their lives, and only paying a partial tax on their sins because someone else stepped in and payed part of it already....

    I don't think it will ever make sense to me...

    But I understand why(in general) people hold the beliefs they do. It is something to cling to, something to hold dear to your heart, and know in times of struggle that there is something good waiting for you. A light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, and not just rotton flesh buried underneathe a bunch of dirt in a graveyard.

    And I'm glad I havn't come off ass offensive. It's not exactly easy to get a good sense of intent or emotion over the internet. I have my beliefs(or choose not to believe anything) and you have yours. That doesn't mean I can't be curious about your(and others) beliefs.


    Jesus is God.  That's how Him dying could pay for an entire world.  Because God is infinite, when we sin against Him (all sin is ultimately against God), we deserve infinite punishment.  Christ became a man as our substitute and paid fully, as God, the infinate price.  Through His death and resurrection, He defeated Satan, sin, and death.  What makes you right with God is not your past, but Christ's past.  Not what we do, but what He did.  Romans 8:1, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ".  So we do become perfect in God's eyes, but we still have to suffer consequences for sin on earth.  There will be a judgment when we die, but those who have been changed by Jesus, won't have any punishment left for them, and will enter heaven because of Jesus' sacrifice.

    PS- Holy cow, Basil is adorable!!  I love her hair. 

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