Babies: 9 - 12 Months

this is why I don't bother trying to make plans with MIL (small vent)

DH is always saying how I should call his mom to get together and do stuff. Well, I did just that yesterday. We had plans to get together at our house around 11:30am. ::checks watch:: yup, it's 1:30pm. now granted, DS decided to take horrible naps today, but when I let her know that, she was already "backed up" on stuff she had to do. apparently she's still doing stuff too, as I've already let her know that DS is up from his nap and she has yet to respond. even if she does get back to me, she's a good 45+ minutes away, so that sets us back anyway.

this is not the first time either, there have been numerous times we've had plans to hang out, and something always comes up at the last minute. WTF. then she has the nerve to send me texts that say "why is my baby hiding from his grandma?" so yeah, I'm not making plans for a while, unless SHE makes them first.

sorry, had to get that out, thanks for listening to another MIL rant Wink

Re: this is why I don't bother trying to make plans with MIL (small vent)

  • I love MIL vents, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one with a whackadoodle for a MIL! LOL!
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  • imageJesykaC21:

    DH is always saying how I should call his mom to get together and do stuff. Well, I did just that yesterday.  Wink

    ugh- barf.  I would give DH the side eye should he ever suggest such a thing.

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  • Do we have the same MIL?  You seriously just described my MIL exactly....and the exact reason (among many others) that I don't make plans with her.  It's to the point that my parents won't even invite her over for family gatherings because she's so chronically late.
  • imageerino&chrish:
    Do we have the same MIL?  You seriously just described my MIL exactly....and the exact reason (among many others) that I don't make plans with her.  It's to the point that my parents won't even invite her over for family gatherings because she's so chronically late.
    if we have the same MIL I feel for you. She is a sweet woman but she tends to drive me crazy!!
  • My MIL is always too busy when we offer to come over so she could see him. But then she has the nerve to say that she never gets to see him and we never come over. Hmm.. how do we do that, when you always have an excuse about not being available? Gotta love it! Stick out tongue
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