Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Did anyone's baby nurse a lot right before teeth?

DD is almost 9 months and still no teeth. We've had a few false alarms, but I think this time might be for real. Restless at night, chewing on everything, drooling even more than usual and, this one is new, wanting to nurse way more than usual. She's been a very routine nurser for weeks at 9, 1, 4 and bed. Today it was 8, 9, 11 and I she is now headbutting me in the chest. Please tell me this is teething related.

Re: Did anyone's baby nurse a lot right before teeth?

  • It certainly sounds like she is teething.  DD just got her first two teeth a few weeks ago.  She nursed a lot during the day and woke to nurse at night.  She had been STTN before that (for a week or so).  She woke the night before the first tooth came in and for two nights before tooth #2.  She resumed her usual sleep pattern after that!  GL and hope your LOs first tooth comes in soon!

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  • Sebastian always nurses more when he's teething. I hope this is it for her.
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  • Geez, I hope so. If this is a sleep regression with no reason or a growth spurt that throws off all of my daycare bottle plans, I'm just going to lie down and weep. Her gums are swollen and I feel teeth, but she's been like that for months. Maybe we'll get lucky and they will all come in at once.
  • DD does the samething.She wont eat any solids and only wants to nurse. But it gets beeter once the teeth have broken thru.GL
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  • Good luck! I hope they come in. DS is 10 months and still no teeth. I keep thinking it will happen soon.
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