Because she'll have to swaddle him since he will NEVER SLEEP AT NIGHT without it. (We use the woombie). We've spent the last week trying to slowly get rid of it. Anytime he's not zipped up in his woombie he wakes up shreiking when his bum hits the mattress.
Of course at daycare they said all they have to do his hand him his wubbanub and he gazes at the mobile and clutches it until he falls asleep.
So, any tips? Or am I going to have to plan out a life for DS involving really cooperative college roomates, girlfriends, and a really nice wife who will zip him up in his woombie each night?
Re: My DS is going to need a really nice wife
Haha - your 1st line cracked me up.
Have you tried a kidopatamus swaddleme? DS was able to break out of his velcro - and that helped him wean himself from the swaddle. When he was breaking out a few times a night we just stopped using it, it was a rough couple of nights but then he got the hang of it.... it was around 5 months.
My LO was the same way (maybe a boy thing?) and we started tucking a plain blanket over and under him when he slept. Like we lay it over him and then tuck in under his sides so that he still feels like he is swaddled, but he is able to move around once he is asleep.
My DH was the same way....even as a little kid he would have his mom come in and tuck the covers over him as tight as she could with pillows on both sides of him so he was snuggled in. I think it is really funny!
Good luck!
Oooh good idea. He's got a nice little blankie we use to get him to nap downstairs, I could see if he's let me tuck it around him.
With the swaddle me's, DS will grab them and stuff them in his face when he breaks out of them and it makes me nervous to have the blankets near his face...
(And pp, a wubbanub is a paci with a stuffed animal attached. A woombie is a zip up swaddle blanket)
De-swaddling was one of the hardest things I've had to do as a parent, but sooooo worth it. Just make sure to start the process on a night where you don't have to get up early in the morning.
I ran a search on my old posts. I found out the info as I forgot lol (we did it at 4 months when he started rolling back to belly, btw):
Our experience was:
Night 1: Up every 5-15 minutes (I have never heard this with anyone else though)
Night 2: Up every 1-2 hours.
Night 3 & 4: Two 5-6 hour stretches.
Night 5: STTN 12 hours.We tried to slowly wean him from the swaddle. Didn't work at all. We had to do it cold turkey. It sucked for about 3 nights, so prepare to wake up alot, but now that he is deswaddled it is fantastic! It really helped us with sleep training as well because he could then grab his own paci and put it back in his mouth.