GOD--it's getting worse and worse.
Before getting PG, I already had erosive esophagitis. I never even felt the reflux, but I had erosions and also had a bleeding ulcer for a while. I was on Protonix for it. The second I got PG (before I even knew), BAM--worse reflux ever. It's been controlled ok with meds--I take the Protonix twice a day now, sometimes use Zantac, and will pop a Tums when I need it.
This week, though, I'm getting new symptoms--I bent over in Target today and regurgitated. Luckily I was able to run to the bathroom. I am coughing at night from it, too.
I don't drink caffeinated beverages, I don't eat acidic foods. What the heck else do I do?!?!
I have a call into my GI about this, and my OB knows as well, just looking for commiseration, really. :-(
Re: Anyone else have GERD before pregnancy?