Seriously I feel like I will complain about Tahlia's sleep habits for as long as I live. I know I have posted endless posts on here concerning the topic but I am just so baffled.
When she was 3 months everyone said at 4 months her sleeping will get better, then is was when she is 15 lbs she will start sleeping better, now its, oh I hear 7 months is the mark. I am sick of it! I know people are just trying to be positive but I think I have just been blessed with a beaustiful heatlhy baby that does not enjoy sleep.
We have tried everything. We ferberized her which worked and improved her sleep, she is still getting up around 1-2 times a night however. We are only giving her 2 ounces per feeding, I think we may move to 1 tonight. The night wakings are not that bad, we would deal with them if she didn't wake for the day between 4:30 and 5:00. Seriously 4:30-5:00. Who wakes at that time? We have tried everything to get her to sleep later too- later bedtime, earlier bedtime, co-sleeping, CIO- nothing works.
OK, sorry I just had to get that out.
Re: I thought the older they got the better they slept!!
sorry, I know its sucks. Logan has had some serious sleep regression as well, if that helps, at least to know you not alone.
Thanks ladies!!
I know there are a lot worse things in life but I would just love a night where I got to sleep 8 hours straight!
We did the same with DD that we do with DS. He was a fabulous sleeper, her...not so much. I don't think it really matters what you do, some babies just don't need as much sleep as others.
Tips in The Baby Whisperer help me keep my sanity but my biggest advice would be this. A friend suggested it.
Take turns with your DH for waking in the the night. And, waking with her in the morning. One night it's his turn, the next it's yours. Or, you could do two nights each.
The baby might not need the sleep, but you do.