So I had my dr appointment todya and she told me I have a yeast infection. no big deal, just get the monistat 7 day and it will clear it up....
now, after using it tonight (last night i guess) for the first time I am awake at 2am with awful burning feeling... I tried the cooling wipes and external cream i'm supposed to use and it didn't help.
I read the side effects and it says a 'mild increase" in buring may occur. I wasn't having any buring prior, so what is considered mild? It woke me up and is keeping me awake
I'm not sure if I should shower and get this stuff off me or just deal with it. I would hate to call my midwife on the weekend, but i'm afraid I may have to...
Re: yeast infection?
I had the same thing.
wash it off and call your doctor or pharmacist.
I believe mild burning is considered okay, but if it's really painful I would take a bath to help get most of it and place a call into your midwife.
I had to use that stuff last month and I don't remember any burning at all. I remember my OB saying it may burn a little though.
if its keeping you up thats more than mild burning, especially if you had no burning prior. you may be allergic. i had a yeast infection last month and dr said use monistat 7 and it felt like fire! i am i called the dr and she called in a dose of diflucan and that cleared it up no problem. i would wash it and call.
I had the same thing. I think it's like a reaction to the cream. I now use Clotrimazole when I need treatment. I would discontinue and use anything that is not Monistat/Miconazole.