First I'm wondering when I will get a real bump? This is my first pregnancy and I just have a little pooch. I can tell and my husband and friends can tell but a stranger would think I just ate a big lunch or I'm carrying a little extra weight around the middle. I'm a small person and pretty thin so I'm wondering if I won't get a big belly? I really want one! haha
Also, I had my NT u/s at 12w3d and the u/s tech referred to the baby as "he" 2 different times... I know they say it's too early to tell but I have a friend who is 18 weeks and she found out the sex at 13 weeks. Her OB told her that they usually won't tell you until 18 weeks bc that's when they can tell for sure but they can technically tell by 12 weeks, they just won't do it bc they want to avoid making mistakes.... thoughts??
Re: When will I pop? and 13w u/s can tell gender?
1) I still, haven't popped to be honest with you, it depends on the person.
2) And they can make an educated guess, but don't go painting the walls yet.
It varies a ton. There are so many factors - your build, the position of the baby, etc. I was pretty small when I got pregnant with my 1st (5'2" and 125lbs.) and popped early, I started getting stranger comments at 14 weeks. A friend of mine who is the same size and similar build didn't even look pregnant til around 6 months.
They can make an educated guess that early, but it's just that, a guess. I wouldn't paint the nursery or buy anything that I couldn't return until the anatomy scan later on when the parts are more developed. Boy and girl parts still look pretty similar at that point.
I look like I have a little beer gut, but that's about it, so far.
Also, my OB told me that they can do the anatomy ultrasound anywhere from 18-20 weeks, but finding out the baby's gender also depends on whether or not the baby decides to "cooperate" that day. (Which position the baby is in.)
Everyone's different. (Every pregnancy, every OB, etc.)
there's really no saying when you will get a bump. Some women get one as early as 9 weeks, but some have to wait longer- my sister didnt get really look pregnant until about 20 weeks and she is a pretty small person. It all just depends on your body, and everyone is different. I personally popped about 16/17 weeks.
I personally didnt want to know the gender that early because I didnt want to get my heart set on one gender and then find out that it's not really that gender, DH felt the same way. IMO I would just base it realistically off of your anatomy scan after 18 weeks. My OB wouldnt even do my big U/S until I was 19's kind of foolish for the u/s tech to loosly refer to it as a boy at 12 weeks...i would have been annoyed.
This. I am a small person and I haven't yet popped. I just look a little full around the middle. I have to admit I hate this in between stage. I can't wait to look pregnant! I'm sure I will regret this statment come the third trimester, but it's our first kid... I just can't wait to see it and feel it!
Everyone different when it comes to showing. I'm a small person as well pregnant with #2 and started showing at 11 weeks but now at 25 weeks people assume I'm about to give birth any day - so be careful what you wish for.
I wouldn't rely on your 13 week ultrasound. It's 50/50, either a boy or a girl. Just wait until your 20 week ultrasound before you announce the sex if you want to find out - which I'm assuming you do.
I didn't pop until a couple weeks ago.
Supposedly some u/s techs can tell with about 70% accuracy the sex of the baby as early as 13 weeks. It's based on the "angle of the dangle". I definitely wouldn't take her calling your baby a "he" as anything significant.
Definitely don't go painting the walls.. 13 weeks is riduculous for a dr or u/s tech to be guessing the sex.. i read on here so often of women who were having boys at 15 or 16 weeks are now having girls. (or the otherway around) they shouldn't be giving you a guess until around 18weeks at the earliest..
and everyone is different, you may pop next week, you may not until your 22 weeks. i popped around 18 weeks (although you could see a little bump a few weeks before that)
LOL. Well the baby did flip over and was facing downward then baby started kicking it's legs and that's when the tech said "well he's sure putting on a show for you!"
She never told me she thought it was a boy she just made that reference twice. Obviously I'm not painting the nursery blue yet but I was just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience? Do the tech's usually say 'he' or 'she' before the gender is confirmed?
Our doctor said "he" a couple times at our second u/s at 11wks/6days. I think it's just naturally hard for a lot of people to call a baby "it" so people will just pick a pronoun. DH and I were also referring to LO as "he" so she could have just picked it up from us.
If you look in my bio you can see when I popped from my first baby. I was a pretty skinny girl back then, and it took a long time to get the 'baby belly'. But then when it was there, it was THERE.
As for the Ultrasound, don't hold your breathe on that one. I would still wait for a later ultrasound. They can see that stuff, but boy parts can also be mistaken for fingers and the umbilical cord and other things. I would wait on that one.
1 - every person is different.
2- They sometimes make an educated guess but you shouldn't go out buying anything gender specific until they determine sex at the anatomy u/s.
#1. People are different. I was feeling "poochy" at 13 weeks, and by 16 weeks people could tell. However a friend of mine who is about my body type, but even skinnier, didn't even remotely show until 20 weeks. We're talking pretty much completely flat.
#2. I wouldn't read anything into the "he" comment unless she actually guessed. I'd rather call a baby "he" than "it" any day. Once in a while they can guess early, but if she didn't specifically say, I'd assume she didn't even try to find out.
There is no answer for this. It varies from person to person. I didn't really pop until 20 weeks.
13 weeks is very early to tell for sure, so no.
you'll get your belly don't worry! On my first pregnancy I popped at 16 weeks. this time I popped around 11 weeks. I remember my OB saying with my daughter that since I was so small there was no where for the baby to go out straight out! And she did!
As far as the gender, I had my 13 week ultrasound a few weeks ago and the tech and I were talking about how my daughter keeps saying the baby is a "boy" well I guess she got curious because she took a look and said "Don't paint anything...but I think she's right!" Then she pointed out the "spot" that was cluing her in. Then the lab tech said she found out at 13 weeks and it was confirmed at 18 weeks. I am NOT painting or buying anything, but it'll be fun to see if they were both right in a few weeks!
Like PP, it depends on your build. I am very short, and along with that, have a very short torso. My stomach definitely rounded and popped around 14/15 weeks. Depending on what I wear, it shows a lot more, too-especially when I wear an empire shirt.
My doctor did a "for fun" which I hope tranlates to "for free" because she offered at my last u/s at 14w3d. She found his peen, and it was there clear as day. She was 90% sure and will confirm at the 18w appt.
I have heard of people finding out at their NT scan, so it is possible.
I just felt bloated during the first tri and beginning of the second. I am just now getting stranger comments and I actually popped a couple of weeks ago. My bump is still small, but it was with my first pregnancy too. I was about 5'6 and 125 lbs pre-pregnancy.
As far as the gender thing goes, it is very hard to tell the sex at 13 weeks. Most doctors/ultrasound techs would not make a guess that early.
I still haven't "popped", but you can certainly see the starting of my bump. Every woman is different.
My aunt is a U/S tech, she said it's pretty standard in their industry to call all babies "he" until they know. So it could just be they didn't want to call the baby "it" or maybe they did see something.
M/C 9/21/09 | M/C 12/24/09 | BFP 1/23/10
Madeline Rey DOB 9/30/10
TTC # 2 Jan 2013
BFP 3/12/13 | EDD 11/18/13
It's a GIRL! Lydia Marie!
In the English language the standard pronoun is "he", so I wouldn't put much into that. They can't reliably tell that early.
I popped with my first at 16 weeks.
1. Tuesday,
2. No.
I am starting to show now at 15wks5dys. I can barely fit in my work clothes and have my pants completely unzipped and held up with my belly bands! I am 5'6 and was 112lbs pre-pregnancy. I am now at 118lbs.
I was told at my nt scan at 12wks5days that it was a boy...first by the u/s tech and then separately by the dr (not my usual obgyn since I was sent to the specialist for nt scan). Dr said he normally never tells this early but that there was no mistaking it was a boy. At my 14wks2dys appt with my obgyn was also told that it was a boy. After three different drs telling me its a boy, I feel pretty confident its a boy.