I have my 2nd level ultrasound at 19 weeks, where they look at all the anatomy in close detail. It is with a perinatologist, not my regular OB.
Is this the same thing as the "Big Ultrasound" some are mentioning? I saw one poster mention having both of these in the same week. I was confused. I saw my doc at 17 weeks and just did the doppler, blood pressure, and pee in a cup. Next appt w/ doc is at 21 weeks.
Re: Big ultrasound=Second Level ultrasound?
I would definately think that this is comparable to the Big Ultrasound everyone talks about.
I only have level 2 ultrasounds...and I get the same info (sometimes sooner!)
I believe a level II is more detailed than the "big ultrasound" most of us have had.
I had my "big ultrasound" and opted out of the Level II. Everything looked good with the 20 week ultrasound, so I didn't think it was necessary.
Thanks. That clears things up. I guess we are skipping the "big ultrasound" and going straight to the second level ultrasound because I am going to be over 35 when I deliver. NT was fine, but I think that is just how my doc does it.
people just call it the 'Big' ultrasound because they get to find out the sex then. same for you - at your 19 wk sonogram (no matter what 'level') you can also find out the sex if you want.
just fyi from a past experience: i had a level II U/S w/my first baby because of my crohn's disease and it was a catastrophe w/my insurance. i don't think it was well documented on why i needed one w/my OB's office and there was extra confusion w/switching insurance companies 1 day before my U/S. ANYWAY, if my new midwife wants to do a level II this time i am definitely keeping better track of how the insurance will handle it. sorry for this boring post, but gosh, i had quite a time and ended up paying $700 a year after my son was born out of frustration of never getting it all worked out.
Hm, maybe I am getting this because I have ulcerative colitis? Or my age? I am confused why we just wouldn't have the ultrasound at my OB. I will call them to assure I won't get stuck with a bill!