We just got the Star helmet for DS. For you ladies that decorated it, where did you get the stickers? I can't find anything good. Also, how did your lo's react? DS doesn't seem himself, but I think he is getting used to it. It is day 3 and we are on the 4 hour on, 1 hour off schedule. Does this mean we wake him up after 4 hours tonight to take it off? It says he is supposed to sleep with it tonight for the first time. Also, yesterday he wouldn't take solids for the first time. Because of helmet you think?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm asking a doctor all these today too (sans the stickers )
Re: Questions for babies with helmets/bands
It took Nora about a week to fully get used to the DOC band. I painted it pink (acrylic paint) and put small heart stickers on it, and then a coat of varnish. I just tried to avoid big stickers, bc I'm guessing they wouldn't sit right on a curved surface, if that makes sense.
ETA: Here's a pic:
I got stickers at Michaels. They had a huge selection of them. For his DOC band, I put a few coats of sealer on, then a few coats of acrylic paint (non-toxic), followed by 2 more coats of sealer. Then put stickers on top, then modge podge over that. It has worked fantastic!
If he's supposed to wear it overnight, then I'm sure you could probably leave it on the whole night for that first night. Although I would double check with the doc on that one.
Having the band on didn't affect his eating at all. Not sure about your LO though. It took us a few nights before he slept well in it, but it's been smooth sailing since then. He actually gets his off next week - yay!! (he's had it for 5 months)
I agree with pp about dressing them with a little less than you normally would. They definitely get hot with the helmets.
GL with everything. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to PM me.
I bought the stickers at Michael's craft store. Here is a good resource for decorating.
You might also get some ideas from the DOC Band Calendar.
I gave it 2 coats with a sponge brush, let it dry, applied the stickers, then gave it a few coats of MOD Podge.
As far as the sleeping, my son was pretty young when he first got it, maybe that is why he didn't any reaction to wearing it. I wouldn't wake him. We are getting our 2nd Doc Band next Friday, I am really hoping he doesn't react to it. It is hard to tell about the solids, just keep offering it to him.
Good Luck!