2nd Trimester

Been having some problems with my Snoogle PIP

I been having problems with my snoogle, I love the thing, its so comfy, and gives me great back support, and I have always loved body pillows,


BUT since i got the snoogle, I seem to be having a ongoing problem, that I won't be able to fix unless i just get rid of the pillow all together...

I'll let the pictures speak for me, on why what is my problem...




Seems two other someones like my pillow also! and will at night steal it from me... 

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Re: Been having some problems with my Snoogle PIP

  • Very cute. I think you will have to get another one for you.
  • Lol, does not look like you're getting it back!
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  • this made me LOL. my husband and i were just telling my parents how my cat has totally taken over my snoogle! the pictures are identical!
    Jess and James 10.18.08
    Zoey Emma 08.18.10
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  • Very cute!
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  • So cute! I dont have one yet but I think my dog will be doing the same thing!
  • Bo, (the big black one) will sleep on top of me, and the pillow to steal it.. 

    Or wedge himself between me and the pillow.. he is the worse of the offenders, Pretty (the calico) will at least wait until I'm up and out of bed before she steals it 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Maternity tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Oh, dear.  I'm pretty sure that I'll have the same issue if I get one.  Might even have the same problem if I get a regular old body pillow.  Cat removal  for my two cats can be a tricky business once they decide they like something... lol
  • Oh no!  Mine just arrived in the mail today.  I wonder if I'm in for the issue with my two cats.....who r named Sugar and Spicy BTW.  Sugar is currently sitting like a princess on a throw pillow.  She thinks she owns the place or something ;-)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • LOL at least you know what to do with it after you have the baby 
    Summer 2011
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~
  • So cute :-)
    BFP#4: 2/2/19, EDD 10/8/19
    BFP#3: 9/4/11, EDD 5/13/12, DD Born 5/14/12
    BFP#2: 5/8/11, EDD 1/24/12 missed mc 
    BFP#1: 1/24/10, EDD 9/24/10, DD Born 9/25/10
  • When I get up to go to the bathroom 9 times out of 10 our Boston Terrier will be snuggled up in the snoogle when I get back. He moans and groans while I try to move him.

     Your pictures are too cute! :) 

  • LOL, I have 4 offenders that steal my plain-old body pillow! The two kitties will curl up on it (though that stopped pretty quick once this LO started to kick them, LOL). My 3 year old DS will sneak into our bed in the middle of the night, apparently something that happens at his age, and he will literally climb over me and lay down directly on the pillow itself, pushing me off it... Finally, my DH figured out that sleeping with your leg over a pillow like his pregnant wife does is actually pretty comfortable and you wake up without back pain, who knew? Oh, that's right, the pregnant mama with the big ol' belly!

    Those pictures are hysterical and super cute Smile

    ~Renee Mommy to Caden (4)and Ariana (10 months) Image and video hosting by TinyPic Mommy and her babies, Disney World, April 24, 2011
  • I can relate- I feel your pain!

    3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
    IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
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  • My yorkie resents that she can't curl up next to my belly any time she wants during the night. She seeks her revenge by curling up and falling asleep in the "donut" part whenever I get up in the night to pee.  When I shoo her away, she lifts her head, gives me a deep sigh and begrudginly takes her place at our feet.
    Bunny Love: 6 months old already! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageJillAly:

    I can relate- I feel your pain!


    LOL yup I say you can!! I love animals they always make me laugh! 

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  • adorable, looks like you'll just need to get two more lol
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