First of all--yayyyyyy for being a survivor!
Secondly, my dear friend is coming up on the one-year anniversary of her double mastectomy and being cancer-free (oooh, side question: even though she was cancer free after that, is that the anniversary that is "celebrated", or is it the follow-up with her oncologist when he officially declared that she was cancer free??).
Okay, anyway, so I want to recognize that date for her, but I also know that she's wanting to start fresh and find a new normal that isn't ALL ABOUT being a CANCER SURVIVOR, KWIM?
So I don't want to just send her another bunch of pink ribbon stuff . . . but I want to do something meaningful for her. Not just flowers or whatever. Ideas?
Re: Any cancer survivors here?
My mom's a breast cancer survivor. She celebrates the anniversary as the day the doctor declared her cancer free.
No ideas for a gift though. Sorry. But it's a nice gesture of you to want to do something!
oh, what do you think of this necklace?
Not a survivor...yet...but hope to be very soon. I'm currently halfway through chemo for breast cancer and had a mastectomy in January...
Anyway - I know you are already involved with Komen. What about making a generous donation in celebration of her (to recognize her survival) and then pair that with a gift certificate to a spa to just get pampered?
GOOD LUCK to you--you'll be a survivor before you know it--I'll keep you in my prayers!
She's doing the walk with me this year, so I donated to her already for that, and she isn't comfortable going to a spa yet--we do a GIrls' Spa Weekend every year, but this year (last weekend, actually!) we just did a cottage at the beach because she's just not there yet.