If you had professional photos done, at what age would you recommend getting them done? The photographer I want is going on maternity leave for a few months so I can either get the photos done before she leaves, when my girls will be about 5-months-old or I can wait until she'll be back, when they'll be 9- or 10-months old. Any pros or cons for one age or the other?
Re: If you had professional photos done...
I'd wait until 9 or 10 months old. They'll be much cuter pics when they are independent sitters (better poses). 5 month olds can be tough to pose if they can't sit on their own.
Though 10 months old is getting close to that year mark. So at that point, maybe wait until 1 year and do the fun cake smash pics. (or do 9 months and 1 year...it's all fun!).
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***