
"Camping" and toddlers

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Re: "Camping" and toddlers

  • My advise would be to have dh drop you off at the nearest Marriott!
  • Kids love camping!

    I recommend bringing sand toys and ride-on toys to campgrounds.  Take some walks.  Keep meals simple.  Bring an extra layer for sleeping than you think you need.  Warm kids = happy kids.  They will totally be worn out by the end of the day.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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  • imagehikerbeth:

    Kids love camping!

    They will totally be worn out by the end of the day.

    LOL, ditto. We took Ethan camping last year and after helping us bring sticks and start a fire he said he is going into the tent to rest....... at 7pm, at 7:30 we found him sleeping with a lolipop in his mouth. He was TIRED.

    This year we're taking our 2 y.o. also. 

  • We're avid campers but our last trip (a few weeks ago) sucked. We're in no huge rush to take another camping trip anytime soon.

    My biggest must-have now for when camping ever again: beyond a basic first aid kit also make sure you pack a little bag with an assortment of children's medications. You absolutely never know when you're going to need baby ibuprofen, benedryl, anti-diarrhea medication, etc. Otherwise you might end up having to drive 60 miles late at night in a rural area to find benedryl for a hive-covered child...

  • They will have a blast.  bring lots of extra clothes and wet wipes, they get very dirty, and a couple of mixers for your drinks.  We love camping with the kids.  I took DS when he was 5 months and DD has been many times. 
  • Bikes, scooters, bubbles, sidewalk chalk (we had a cement pad at our campsite), music, swim and sand stuff if there is a pool or beach and games. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • The one thing we always bring is our canopy which has a top and screens for the side, we cover the ground under it with blankets or tarps and put a bunch of toys in there.  The kids love it and when we are with our big group of friends, it helps keep the kids away from the food and fire and all contained a little.  We also always bring a wagon (if you have space) to help when you are going on longer walks or if the bathrooms are further away and you have a tone of stuff to lug with you.  We have small camping chairs for the kids as well.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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