My mom never fails to let me know that she started going grey after I was born (I'm #2.) Now I TOTALLY understand. I am just now sitting down after a long day of both children screaming and fussing. Sarah wanted to be held and, of course, Abby wanted to be picked up at the exact same time. they both freaking pooped at the EXACT same time and both decided they weren't going to go to sleep at the exact same time.
We're lucky that Abby has taken to Sarah so well and there's no resentment there- not towards Sarah, at least. She hugs her, kisses her, and tries to play wtih her. When Sarah cries, she goes to her and pats her and says "aww sa-sa" (though her "pats" are like giant slaps, so I have to stop her from doing it too hard.) However, the resentment is TOTALLY directed towards mea nd Peter. She is acting out when we're around and throwing tantrums like I've never seen. Our pedi said that, yep, she's definitely in her "terrible twos" and we need to start considering time-outs... but that will be a whoooole other post.
So... how long until I find a grey hair??? I'm not looking forward to that! lol
Re: so THAT'S why my mom went grey..
LOL I found 2 gray hairs last week.. I pulled them right out.. (I know its a no-no)
When I had a my second it really took about 6 months for me to find my groove? It does get tons easier and now mine play soooo awesomely well together, its almost like they dont need me around at all.. (they still have their moments but for the most part they are really great friends)
Last week we were on vacation to NC and we had been hiking to a waterfall and my 3yr old completely knocked out in the car and I couldnt wake him up when we got back to the house. My daughter was playing outside and she came on the porch and said "mommy its no fun to play without Logan- who do I talk too?" I thought it was incredibly sweet..
Ay Jenny! ::hugs:: I hope it gets better. Loreal will be your friend soon, lol..
Anthony is going gray already and we don't even have kids yet. I wouldn't know if I was going gray because my hair color hasn't been natural since I was 15. Ignorance is bliss!