Any moms-to-be in the Chattanooga area considered water birth? I have and it sound like it may be a lot less painful, than ordinary vaginal birth. What do you think? I have also tried looking around for some place that will do water birth in our area, but I haven't found much (really any) information!
Thanks Ladies!
Re: Water Birth in Chattanooga area
I'm going to look into this for you... I have a friend in midwifery school. She might know something.
P.S. I'm happy for you! Congrats on the pregnancy.
O.K. so my friend said the following:
"Carolyn Drake offers WB, but I don't hear good things about her. Purely hearsay, though. She could do WB if she wanted a homebirth.
None of the hospitals do it...not Skyridge, Parkridge East, Hutcheson or either Erlangers."
Here is the link to Carolyn Drake's website if you want to look into it.
Hope this is helpful. Let me know if I can get you more information!
Thanks! I'm a little nervous about that though, since it's not really performed around here.
And just so you know, heresay is more than enough to discourage me. I want to limit my risks, not increase them.
Thanks again.