We've been talking about #3 lately and it seems like a third pregnancy is like, oh. . . pregnant again. . . KWIM? #1 is like, OH YAY! #2 is like, ohh fun, another baby, and three is like. . . oh. pregnant again? Really?
I kinda get what you are saying. Except for me the first 2 were twins. And then we unexpectantly got PG with Logan and the twins weren't even one. So people were super shocked.
But he's here and he's still just as special as the other 2. No one treats him any different b/c he's the 3rd.
I am pregnant with my third and I have had a couple comments like this from people, but they don't understand wanting more and why I am going through it again. But you know for the most part people have been happy and cool with it. I am still early in the pregnancy and anxious to feel the baby but I don't feel any different than I did with DD (the first was just diffferent ). This time around I actually enjoy sharing it with my other 2 the most.
Mommy to DS1 ~10.11.05~ DD1 ~07.22.07~ DD2 ~09.10.10~
We've been joking that our baby#3 is putting me though all these crazy pregnancy-related complications (I am 29 wks and on the hospital on bedrest) to be sure he gets some extra attention since he is boy#3 But seriously, our family and friends have been very excited for us when we announced we were pg again.
That said, I think people would have been more excited or this baby more celebrated (i.e. someone would do a shower, etc) if this was a girl. When we announced it was another boy, it was kind of a neutral response from people We feel blessed with boy#3, especially all we have been through at this point... we just want him here safe and healthy (and not for a while yet)!
My 3rd found a way to be "special" by bringing a 4th with him. Since we had 1 boy/1 girl already, I think most ppl thought we were messing up the balance having a 3rd (before knowing it was twins). But, turns out we are still balanced.
I agree. With #1 you get a shower and droves of people came to the hospital to see him. #2 much less attention. This time, I got a lot of shocked friends and only "real" excitement from our parents. I would expect that if this one is a girl, the excitement will return, otherwise poor little guy will get the shaft! lol He or she will be special to us, that is all that matters!
I don't feel that way at all. Part of the reason I want a #3 is because I love being pg- i feel like it's such a special time in my life, and this will more than likely be the last time, so I'm just as excited, if not more so. But I know people like you....not everyone enjoys being pregnant.
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I don't feel that way at all. Part of the reason I want a #3 is because I love being pg- i feel like it's such a special time in my life, and this will more than likely be the last time, so I'm just as excited, if not more so. But I know people like you....not everyone enjoys being pregnant.
Oh I love being pregnant. I'd be a surrogate if I thought I'd be able to give up the baby! I'm just thinking of other people . . .
I can honestly say that each of my 5 pregnancies (including our son that I m/c) was as exciting as the first if not more because each time I knew more what to expect & what I would be getting out of it. I wanted each child so badly that it was very exciting each & every time!! Now, as far as others' reactions/ treatment of me by the 3rd & 4th time around...that was another story, lol! It was definitely not as exciting for friends/ family, IMO. And strangers would say, "Oh, is this your first?" When I would reply, "Nope, fourth!" I would get, "Oh...."
We haven't come out with a big announcement,but we haven't gotten that....yet. I am sure that will come from some people. For me this pg feels REALLY special b/c I know it is my last.
I was going to say something similar to Amy. It was special too me because I knew it was my last. For that reason, I would say #2 was the least special for me...poor middle child ; ) There were a lot of people excited for us and I had two friends pregnant with their 3rd at the same time, so that was nice. Really, it didn't matter that it wasn't that special to everyone else.
I'm pregnant with our third and of course people react differently and there's less time to even pay attention to your pregnancy, but the third baby itself seems very special because my other two kids can't wait to meet him/her and they're so excited! All 3 pregnancies/reactions/children are different but still special for their own reasons. Also, this is my last pregnancy so I'm taking my time and taking better care of myself so I already feel some sort of a connection with the baby knowing it's my last.
Re: Do you feel like #3 isn't as "special"?
I kinda get what you are saying. Except for me the first 2 were twins. And then we unexpectantly got PG with Logan and the twins weren't even one. So people were super shocked.
But he's here and he's still just as special as the other 2. No one treats him any different b/c he's the 3rd.
We've been joking that our baby#3 is putting me though all these crazy pregnancy-related complications (I am 29 wks and on the hospital on bedrest) to be sure he gets some extra attention since he is boy#3 But seriously, our family and friends have been very excited for us when we announced we were pg again.
That said, I think people would have been more excited or this baby more celebrated (i.e. someone would do a shower, etc) if this was a girl. When we announced it was another boy, it was kind of a neutral response from people We feel blessed with boy#3, especially all we have been through at this point... we just want him here safe and healthy (and not for a while yet)!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Definitely. No one gets very excited about the 3rd baby.
Oh I love being pregnant. I'd be a surrogate if I thought I'd be able to give up the baby! I'm just thinking of other people . . .